engine problems

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2013
my father in law this morning went out to start his 2001 2.7 t2 and it made a noise when he started it . so he said he turned it off and it kept on running . so he put it in 5th and put on the brakes and let the clutch up to kill it . anyone got any idea's what could cause this ?
When it kept running did it started reving its nuts off?

They run on engine oil dont they if turbo has gone but as far as im aware they rev like crazy and as he quite rightly did only way to save the vehicle is to stall it.
When it kept running did it started reving its nuts off?

They run on engine oil dont they if turbo has gone but as far as im aware they rev like crazy and as he quite rightly did only way to save the vehicle is to stall it.

I don't know if it kept reving the nuts off . but we went out Sunday for a drive and when was following him out it kept puffing out little clouds of blue/whitish smoke and it smelled like red hot and burning . but on the way back it was still doing the whitish clouds but every now and then it would give a bigger cloud of black /grey smoke.? I don't know if that means anything aswell
Turbo is first suspect, but I had one a while ago that was passing heavily on the pistons causing the oil trap thingy to overfill and this is then routed into the inlet so burns engine oil, and had to do the same thing ie stall it, so easy first option is pull the hose from the oil trap to inlet and check with the engine running, if no real evidence of oil here then deffo turbo, Rick
Turbo is first suspect, but I had one a while ago that was passing heavily on the pistons causing the oil trap thingy to overfill and this is then routed into the inlet so burns engine oil, and had to do the same thing ie stall it, so easy first option is pull the hose from the oil trap to inlet and check with the engine running, if no real evidence of oil here then deffo turbo, Rick

thanks for the advice rick . they took it to a garage and they think it was the starter knackered . because they think it was the starter kept turn over and that was the noise . but I can't understand is he told me it kept going when he turned the key off and that would not happen with the starter surely ? :nenau
thanks for the advice rick . they took it to a garage and they think it was the starter knackered . because they think it was the starter kept turn over and that was the noise . but I can't understand is he told me it kept going when he turned the key off and that would not happen with the starter surely ? :nenau

Yeah that's rubbish, solely because if you stalled it it would start again :lol
I would think the starter was very unlikely, as if it had stayed jammed on, it would have run the battery down very quickly and probably burnt the cables out after he stalled it. Not only that, but the starter does not turn the engine over that fast, so he would have been able to spot the difference between it trying to turn over, and it carrying on running.

Alex, the ignition key only pulls in the solenoid, if that jammed in, turning the key on and off would make no difference, but as you say, unless by then the starter had already died, it would have tried to re-start.

In my experience of engine run away, the car disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and it was pretty obvious that things were very amiss.

Things to look for are overfilled with oil, or as Rick says, bad turbo, and oil leaking past the bearings, or very worn engine pressurising the sump, and pushing the oil up the breather cct.

Something else, which I do not know in detail, but if there was an absence of smoke, I would be checking the fuel cut off valve, maybe that has jammed.
Terranoman had this and nearly killed his engine as it revved it's balls off!!!!

Turned out to be his turbo if I remember correctly
my to penny worth.on my replacement t2 it had a newish starter fitted but had a starter motor problem.
after a week the starter died all though newish.i got the t2 like this so do not know when it was fitted.
what i found was the starter was intermittently starting but not disengaging so could here a strange noise, after starting as the fault was in the rear part of the ignition switch.
this was leaving the circuit open like it wants to keep starting.
i replaced switch and starter and no problems now.
it was the starter . he brought a cheap one to save money last year . now his had a new starter idler arm drop links track rods and replaced the fuel lines . all done by a garage . what a waste of money to pay someone to do all that . I told him I would help him and do it .but he likes a garage to do things
I think this thread is a good example of how hard it is to diagnose a fault from another's description of what has or is happening, Rick
I think this thread is a good example of how hard it is to diagnose a fault from another's description of what has or is happening, Rick

I thought the same as you guy . the turbo when he said to me the engine kept going when he turned it off . what he failed to say is that it wasn't running but just trying to turn over . if the dull git told me that I would have said a stuck starter . he thinks asking people on the web is a waste of time and I'm a mug for paying £10. but you guys have saved me a small fortune and have taught me a lot about keeping a t2 going and will be always grateful :bow . he works for a recovery driver and he listen to them . but everything I have done to sort mine out he as now paid the garage he works for to fix . including the fuel lines to fix his miss fire . but when I told him months ago that a lot of people on here have the same problem and changed lines to fix kept trying to tell me they didn't know anything . you just can't help some people

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