Engine Mis firing and Running crap

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Sep 25, 2010
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Hi all I am new to this and would love to have your help on this

Most morning, or when raining my 2.4 Maverick L REG runs crap, every morning i start it after about 10 minutes and i leave it to tick over,

first few minutes rpm @900 the after that time period 1500 rpm!!
its also mis firing some times, I have cleaned dis cap as it had white Stuff all over it.

Lasty the amount of fuel it drinks is unreal, I had a lanny b4 this and that did alot better on fuel even when i was driving it hard.

to give u a idea £30 is about 120 miles

Thanks regrads Ben

MBC Walling Ltd
30 miles to about £10 of fuel is there abouts right. Would work out about 20 -25 mpg.

My 2.4 is gas converted, with gas at £0.60 a litre I get about 120 miles out of £20. Before the conversion 120 miles around town would cost about £35/£40

As for the white stuff, sounds like oxidisation. Give it a fresh set of plugs, leads, rotor arm and dissy cap and see how it runs then. The 2.4 has shit ignition parts and you have to keep them A1 or they start running off. Mine was a nightmare to get running right, had to change everything electrical because it had been stood 4 years
not sure about the MPG, i work in 20's, so £20 gets me about 95 mile ish before the light comes on, im diesel, but theres m=not much in it economy wise.

as for the misfiring, id say you are on the right track, dont discount the dizzy being screwed. id then check the HT leads asap, spark plus also. what about the Throttle sensor?? worth a clean? also check the MAF, probably not that but check it anyway.

how is it when its dry/warm? is water leaking onto the electrics? sounds like damp spark plugs to me, have you tried some trusty wd40 on the sparks to see if it clears (not much mind, just enough to repel any water)
not sure about the MPG, i work in 20's, so £20 gets me about 95 mile ish before the light comes on, im diesel, but theres m=not much in it economy wise.

as for the misfiring, id say you are on the right track, dont discount the dizzy being screwed. id then check the HT leads asap, spark plus also. what about the Throttle sensor?? worth a clean? also check the MAF, probably not that but check it anyway.

how is it when its dry/warm? is water leaking onto the electrics? sounds like damp spark plugs to me, have you tried some trusty wd40 on the sparks to see if it clears (not much mind, just enough to repel any water)
So far,

sparks was drowned in petrol so we dried them off and made sure dry in engine before replacing them. check spark, and a very clear and good spark,

after replacing them we could not get it to start, after leaving it for 6 hours i ran perfect, until about 1 hour after running and it seemed like when u put foot down it nr / does kill engine then it wont start at all, lucky each time i test this i am moving and i can bump start it off.

i have gone round engine with wd40 and fingers crossed but if any one knows what is causing this please help

you say the sparks were covered in fuel? doesnt that mean the engine is flooding/over fuelling??
Well yeah, But them it seems when i rev it hard it coughs and struggles to rev, air filter is clean, so i dont know why it floods?

Ps the car is nice and dry inside cab and bonet also with a good coat of wd 40
quick update i started car this morning and went for a 20 mile run and perfect wd40 has either keepet water out or dried water out of something asd i sparyed all engine and wires and everything i cvould see :)