Engine just dies, turn off and starts again straight away??

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if it stops mid drive, i think its ckp sensor but another thing to note is does it only stall when WARM? i.e. is it fine whilst cold, and fine for about 10 miles or so as it warms up? mine did this and it was a combination of things, notably ckp and no1 injector, but id suspect CKP as this does affect timing. fuel injection etc etc and a common symptom of one failing, is in fact stalling (and not starting of course)

could just try cleaning it as its easy to get to...

id also be curious about the positive and negative wires, if the negative is loose or dirty, that might cause an issue...
Thanks again to all.

Tried to get a code this morning, but even when I first turn ignition on (engine off) I have no engine management light? so have nothing to display fault codes!

Will have to try to get to the CKP I think and give it a scrub. Funny though because pulls fine and idles fine.

Positive and negative from the battery look pretty sound and are tight, also checked alternator conns and all ok. Might have to remove the protective tubing from positive an take a real good look

Is there a way of checking EML function?
I did yes, but no joy. WOndered if engine management light should come on when i first turn on ign. But it doesnt come on at all.

Wonder if there is a fault, but EML is not working.
crank sensor is expensive, so wouldnt surprise me if bulb has been removed to fool the next owner.

thing is, even with a faulty crank, it can idle fine, and can start fine. the problems occur when its warmed up, and these can obviously be intermittent. i gave mine a clean, but it made no difference, as soon as i fitted a new one, it was immediately different. started better, idled better, ran MUCH better and has never stalled or anything since. worth a thought, just be aware, new, they are approx £200 +- £10 depends where you go, and id avoid used, i only say this becaus ei tried two used ones, neither worked.
Where would i get one? Tried google to no avail! Do milner stock them?

Also how easy to fit, am i right in thinking it is to the left of the rocker cover, so easy to get to?

Thing is with no EML i am blind, so its whether to get it on a machine or have the dash out and actually stick a working bulb in

Then again if EML was on dont these beasts go into limp home mode?
Scratch that ordered one from GSF. £76. Bargain
£76 for a CKP sensor??

if thats for real, thats a real bargain mate!! I just hope theyve bought in the correct one, but we shall see!! let us know!
ok....i hope its right! did they read the part no to you? i only ask because theres only two part numbers available i think....

ill be gutted (for me) if its right, i spent £190 on mine very early this year...!! but ill be very pleased for you if it is, because thats an awesome find.
Yeah I hope so, I gave him the reg so he matched it to the vehicle. Fingers crossed!
Thanks Clivvy, have printed that out so I have a reference.
clive ..... er ..... that round thing wont fit into the square socket ... thought id better tell you :augie:lol