engine block drain plug

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Sep 17, 2006
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I'm flushing the cooling system on my Mistral, and need to locate the drain plug, which I assumed was on the side of the block somewhere. Not the one for the rad, but the one for the engine. Anyone out there help? It does show it in the cd manual, but it's a bit unclear.
I'm flushing the cooling system on my Mistral, and need to locate the drain plug, which I assumed was on the side of the block somewhere. Not the one for the rad, but the one for the engine. Anyone out there help? It does show it in the cd manual, but it's a bit unclear.

I could be very wrong, but i always thought to drain the engine, you remove the thermostat??

someone who actually knows will be along though im sure!!
The thermostat is almost as high as the filler cap, and bottom hose only drains the rad, the block drain, and there is a lot of water in here, is to the rear under the turbo, probably the best way to get at it is via the NSF wheel arch behind the rubber flap, it is on a lump that takes the return pipe from the turbo, yes the turbo is water cooled, at least Briggies Mistral is, when you get the plug out you will probably need a bit of wire to clear the crud, Rick
Can anyone point me in the diredctio of the drain plug for my 1993 2.7 td terrano ? cna't find the bugger anywhere.
thanks Briggie, found it on the photos in the manual (not in EM though, it's in MA http://bebrs.pie-dabas.net/Webs/Terrano/R20/ma.pdf)

Now to translate that to the car .....

I'm wondering if this part is really necessary :
1. Set heater “TEMP” control lever all the way to “HOT” position.
2. Remove radiator cap and engine under cover.
3. Disconnect lower radiator hose to drain coolant.
Remove reservoir tank, drain coolant, then clean reservoir tank.
Re-install tank temporarily

Obviously I'll have to remove the rad cap, and maybe I'm being pedantic, but surely this can be done with the engine in the car, and outdoors ? Oh well, off to Argos to buy another pikey garage (gazebo)
thanks Briggie, found it on the photos in the manual (not in EM though, it's in MA http://bebrs.pie-dabas.net/Webs/Terrano/R20/ma.pdf)

Now to translate that to the car .....

I'm wondering if this part is really necessary :
1. Set heater “TEMP” control lever all the way to “HOT” position.
2. Remove radiator cap and engine under cover.
3. Disconnect lower radiator hose to drain coolant.
Remove reservoir tank, drain coolant, then clean reservoir tank.
Re-install tank temporarily

Obviously I'll have to remove the rad cap, and maybe I'm being pedantic, but surely this can be done with the engine in the car, and outdoors ? Oh well, off to Argos to buy another pikey garage (gazebo)

I think under cover refers to the cover under the engine:lol
I've just spent four hours trying to undo the drain plug on the engine block.
It's right behind the exhaust downpipe. Just about managed to get a spanner/socket on it, but there's no room for leverage. Is there anyone out there who's managed it?
I think if your gunner drain the the coolant, you might as well do it properly. Draining the rad leaves half in there.
Waja fink?
Yes I had the same trouble with Briggies, but I did have the turbo out of the way, and even after I got it off the hole was full of crud, you could try taking the return pipe from the turbo and draining it from there but it might be full of crud like Briggies, but worth a try, Rick
Where abouts will I find the return pipe from the turbo Rick? Under the turbo maybe?
just had similar trouble finding and getting at the drain plug. That's an engineering cock up putting it there. I removed two covers form the turbo before I could even see the bolt !
I got a (12mm) socket on it with the angled ratchet handle pointing forwards and down, you can get about 1/8 of a turn on it but the whole housing was moving and I couldn't get anything in there to hold it still, so I gave up.

Any more hints about this would be helpful.
just had similar trouble finding and getting at the drain plug. That's an engineering cock up putting it there. I removed two covers form the turbo before I could even see the bolt !
I got a (12mm) socket on it with the angled ratchet handle pointing forwards and down, you can get about 1/8 of a turn on it but the whole housing was moving and I couldn't get anything in there to hold it still, so I gave up.

Any more hints about this would be helpful.

I took off the n/side front wheel, then the rubber protective thingy. I could see it from there, but the exhaust down pipe is right in front of it, and only about two inches away.
I also managed to get a 12mm socket on it, but there's no room for leverage.
I think the only way is to drop the down pipe. Like you I gave up after spending the whole afternoon trying different combinations of ring spanners, sockets etc. I even asked my uvver half (I must have been desperate). Her only comment was "why don't you just buy another car". I suppose I'll have to wait until it needs a new exhaust, and do it then.
So having drained as much water from these engines as is possible, what is the best Antifreeze to use, and how much?
How often does it have to be changed?
I check mine every autumn, and try to freeze a sample but it is still ok at -22C
2.7TD 1995
Regards, Rustic
Where abouts will I find the return pipe from the turbo Rick? Under the turbo maybe?

Sorry missed this one, yes under the turbo is a hose that runs down to the block drain point, Briggies was held with jubilee clips so if you can get either top or bottom clip and hose off you can drain from there, Rick