Early Patrols information needed

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Well-known member
Club Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Hello, I am back after a long break and will fill you in in a seperate post if anyone wants to know what i have been doing, but for now:

I am looking for info about early Patrols could I have bought a new one in the UK in Augsut 1885? what reg would it be (c,d?) and what spec could i get? diesle petrol, turbo on teubo etc and what accesories could i buy back then?

cheers in advance :thumbs
could I have bought a new one in the UK in Augsut 1885?

1885 think it would have been a horse and cart!!! :lol :lol :lol

AUG 1984- JULY 1985 = C Reg
AUG 1985- JULY 1986 = D Reg

just testin if you were awake! :thumbs:lol:lol
If it was the 1900s you meant

Aug 84 to Jul 85 was B
Aug 85 to Jul 86 was C

I can remember the dates clearly because my first brand new car was a June registered A plater in 1984 :thumb2 was going to wait for B reg but the dealer was selling off a pre registered demo GTE at a price not to be missed

Next one was an Oct 87 E plater :thumb2
Something like Cameramans old patrol with 2.8 petrol str 6 swb
Hi Plank
Welcome back, I've missed your wise counsel on the posts recently. I'd be interested in what you've been up to in your posting absence but only if you care to share it with the rest of the world? (You out on parole or something similar??? :)
Kindest regards CL
Hi Plank
Welcome back, I've missed your wise counsel on the posts recently. I'd be interested in what you've been up to in your posting absence but only if you care to share it with the rest of the world? (You out on parole or something similar??? :)
Kindest regards CL

likewise was thinking hadnt see you post, but hadnt got as far as searching for your
posts from your profile... but was going to honest, good travels?

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