DVLA - Beware!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2009
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Hi All,

We had DVLA come to my employers yesterday and go round all our carparks with the ANPR looking for illegal cars, (no tax, not SORN'd) and clamping any they found. :eek:
Having spoken to one of the guys he said its part of a national clamp down by DVLA.
Any cars found that are not completely legal are being clamped and removed if deemed necessary.
Private property is no excuse, if the car is illegal they can enter.

So if you have a car or three and its not SORN'd or insured, be ready for a visit.............


Since I have always paid my insurance, Tax, and always had a valid MOT, I welcome this.

Better than being stopped randomly at the roadside.:thumb2

I hope they are checking vehicle id like chassis numbers as well, to take any cloned cars off the road.

After all , you only need a number plate from a vehicle the same colour and type with all the correct documentation in place, and you won't get stopped on the road as your vehicle looks all correct.

Any fines go the original owner..... This has been a problem for years.
They thought that ensuring you have to take your V5 to a no. Plate supplier would stop this...:doh

You can get plates for "show purposes " only.....
Too right.... Showing one at the front and one on the back....:lol. :lol
This is total ballocks, another people stealth tax. Let me explain.
I find this latest no insurance law totally crap and flawed and Nanny State-ish !
For example, I have 6 cars various and only choose to drive them some of the time. Now this stupid insurance law means I cant have an MOT'd and taxed car parked on my private land, fook ooorf!!! I now have to surrender the tax ,remaining part of the month lost, and eventually get a refund just to get SORN'd. Then if I want to drive it again , I have to work out when that may be in advance so I can get the insurance paperwork through to retax the car for my pleasure! Nonesense.
It was meant to stop people driving uninsured cars :lol The type of twat who drives without insurance will hardly know this law exists let alone care a toss about it :doh
Anyway, if the DVLA are so clever why dont they just do it electronically as they have ALL our data on their computers.An easy spreadsheet would suffice and fine everyone for not being insured,taxed or MOT'd, it's all there at their finger tips............
I think the reason is that by going on to carparks and the like they'll IMPOUND vehicles and search etc and stealth tax more to get the cars out of pounds etc. Bugger this is vexting my, I'm going back to work to sulk:confused:
The law is indeed an ASS :banghead
we had a memo when january became february to make sure discs
were valid, that it was in terms of works car park that is displayed
and valid. mine was at home, as came in post so early in jan forgot
to put it on car by a day, so atleast was legal on database.

as said sorn is just just that, not driven to work etc.

police aware that many folks drive round back streets to say shops
so less likely to get picked up by anpr so there are patrols doing
rounds looking at sorn'ed addresses, if not there might be asking
it is backwards, the dvla will just get extra revenue and probably cleverly loose your sorn declaration. They are useless ****ers

end of the day it's your land you should be able to keep a car on it with tax/mot without insurance! I want to get off!
as usual, another law that only affects the people who wouldn't break it anyway, brought about by the people who always have and always will, because they don't care.

An old mate of mine has never even had a licence, let alone tax , Mot or insurance. We added it all up a few Years ago and he was far better off financially.
The scary bit is that they've even been clamping some people who HAVE declared SORN as they consider some car parks to be 'publicly accessible.' This was intended to give the police greater powers to stop idiot boy racers from 'hiding' on supermarket car parks and the like. If you park a car in a public car park and declare SORN, the DVLA have been known to still try to prosecute. Happened to a mate of mine who had to go to great lengths to prove that where he'd parked was technically a private parking space attached to his house.
old news

this is old news think i mentioned it on here before i run a small fleet of motor bikes but dont have them all insured at the same time the cost would be to great, if any thing happened to a bike while some one was using it to learn to ride on ie a small off resulting in the bike being off the road id just call my insurance company swop bike details over and carry on there lessons on another bike. cant do that now because bikes are declared sorn it takes ages to retax it and get the bike back on the road if its needed at short notice

and yes its bollox that they think they can enter private land to clamp a vehicle and yes they are removing them to poinds to collect even more money from legit owners.

even before running the work fleet iv had more than one bike but only ever insured one at a time the other would always be taxed and moted and if i decided to ride it then id just swop the insurance over. now the spare bike is sorn they didnt give me back any tax said it must have got lost in the post when i sent it back

yes its all bollox but again as law abiding englishmen we bend over and take it from the government
The dvla also have a "signing in" system that does not record your mail in :eek: So even if you send your tax refund in a signed for special delivery special thing, they can still say it's in the IN BOX but not processed or refunded etc etc bollox:banghead
this is old news think i mentioned it on here before i run a small fleet of motor bikes but dont have them all insured at the same time the cost would be to great, if any thing happened to a bike while some one was using it to learn to ride on ie a small off resulting in the bike being off the road id just call my insurance company swop bike details over and carry on there lessons on another bike. cant do that now because bikes are declared sorn it takes ages to retax it and get the bike back on the road if its needed at short notice

and yes its bollox that they think they can enter private land to clamp a vehicle and yes they are removing them to poinds to collect even more money from legit owners.

even before running the work fleet iv had more than one bike but only ever insured one at a time the other would always be taxed and moted and if i decided to ride it then id just swop the insurance over. now the spare bike is sorn they didnt give me back any tax said it must have got lost in the post when i sent it back

yes its all bollox but again as law abiding englishmen we bend over and take it from the government

well dont. stand up to them , it can be done. if enough people let it go to court and actually turned up the world would change .

most people just pay the fine or the tax in the first place. or if they are really stoooopid let it go to court and get bigger fines cos they couldnt be bothered to attend .

but no one ever stands up in court and says "NO THIS IS WRONG"
remember pete did when the pigs impounded his truck ..... he won
can you not get fleet cover, noted admiral advertising it for families.

or get a trade policy, or business fleet cover, sure bus and truck
operators have same sort of issues with their spare vehicles.

certainly at bus firms worked for, all were taxed and tested but
didnt hold as many operator discs, so had to take care swapped
these over if mechanic brought out a replacement bus at breakdown.

if cars are not insured in private land guess are saying dont need
fire/theft, unless is just covered for this in which case surely only
road risks is needed for dvla's sake.
Just been reading up on this 'old news'. What a load of cock. Having said that I now need to insure my Yamaha T80 that's been in the shed since October, but is taxed until august. Or I could send the tax disc back for a partial refund. Wonder how much I'd get ? It only cost £16 in the first place.
have a business policy

can you not get fleet cover, noted admiral advertising it for families.

or get a trade policy, or business fleet cover, sure bus and truck
operators have same sort of issues with their spare vehicles.

certainly at bus firms worked for, all were taxed and tested but
didnt hold as many operator discs, so had to take care swapped
these over if mechanic brought out a replacement bus at breakdown.

if cars are not insured in private land guess are saying dont need
fire/theft, unless is just covered for this in which case surely only
road risks is needed for dvla's sake.

got a special business trade policy for my bike school but every bike you add to it adds another £400 to the policy and as iv got 12 bikes it adds up so i only insure the bikes i use at any one time
typical lame thinking by the plods in power, just the same as dog licencing, will only affect the OAP that has a pet, the pit bull breeders will not give a stuff, Rick