i can see...... well no i cant to be honest 4k na.
if it was a massey or something small and transportable old tractors are very collectable
but this is not small , transportable, nor a collectable tractor.
its an old unimog that will need work and tyres and many other things.
you dont have a barn big enuf for it to work on it . and getting one will add to the expense
ok as an agri vehicle its limited mileage from the place its regd at and all road use even tractors duty is due on fuel . you can change reg easy we did it with a racing quad to get it road legal . (big money spinner) dont let on though lol
but reged as a lorry or even plg. what good is it as a toy. none running it to anywhere you might find a challenge for it you cant afford

i just dont see it
ok you could make it into something that might earn money, but then your investment is in making it pay for itself . not playing on a pay n play site as breakages wont help the budget.
if you had a farm to play on or a site or a use for such a thing then 4k maybe ....... but you dont