Dramatic change in weather

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Off road maniac
Club Member
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Well would you believe it 6 pm this evening it was so cold a water pipe froze less than half an hour after using it, 7.30 pm it was just the same when I took some hay for the horses and could not feel my fingers when I got back, only 10 to 15 minutes at the most, it is now 1 am and I just had to go out to secure a banging door as the wind has got up, and the wind must be coming from a warmer place as the roofs are running with water, and it is almost warm, Rick
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Snow melting in the garden the other side of the estuary to you too, Rick :thumb2
Funny you should say that as it went from being 30C and almost unbearable to being 25C and very humid here today in an hour.
Might have been due to the flight from Melbourne to Sydney.

ps. I don't care how smug you may think I am`or how jealous you may be. This is the first time I have ever been so far from home in winter and I am making the most of it :D
its been down to -12 here in frosty Shropshire at the present its 2 above,may be sun bathing soon.Water bottle (for drinking) in car froze and stayed frozen all day.
Well the temperature here this afternoon, on the south side of Cannock Chase, reached 5 C, so opportunity to wash the mav, washed the salt off too from underneath:thumb2:thumb2.
belting down with rain here now near Worksop :(
yes we have had rain most of the day sometimes very heavy, (Water Wheel going like mad) almost all the snow has gone, no more playing:(:( Rick
I want a boat now, ready for all the floods :doh:doh

oh and for a spot of sea fishing :D

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