Are you saying my cute ickle puplings are beasts? You may have a point and cheers for the link but I think cages might be more secure - I don't trust them as far as I can throw them lol
Crickey, thats just the thing that we've been after too. At the moment we have a large dog cage that just fits with the third row folded up. Was ok when we had one but now we have two and the second puppy growing and growing and growing.
can i have a look next time you are at stubs to see how you made them :bow sid's figured out how to get round the one in mine if only he was as bright at coming back :lol
how's it going Jim not seen you for a while
Thanks for the comments
The labs are listed with the Kennel Club as Yellow, although they are almost fox red, as their father was fox red.
Yes Ian thats fine, your welcome to have a look, we dont go every week now, but yes its going well thanks, the season has started now so they are earning their keep