dodgy alternator me thinks

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 4, 2009
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Hi all

Every now and then I get a bank of warning lights coming up - alternator/ ATP and I think the water trap for the diesel filter.

I think it is the alternator on its way out - still seems to keep the battery charged at the moment, but due to go on hols soon so I do not want to leave it to chance.

Has any one on her got an alternator for a mistral square headlight model.
It has the vacuum pomp on the rear.

if so how much inc P&P

Thank you in advance

bad alternator would not cause those lights to come on unless your battery is very low, and then would not expect it to have enough power to start, do you have a volt/multi meter, Rick
My dad had very very similar issues to what you have just described there in an old Range Rover he had years ago and that turned out to be a dodgy earth cable.

Looked fine on the outside, nice and tight, lots of copper grease but the internal fibres of the cable had gone that oxidised green/white colour and was all powdery, ended up changing the whole earth strap which cost a few quid and solved it :thumb2
Just had the same symptoms.
No diesel water trap light just the alternator and atp light.
All lights go out pn start up and only glows dim intermitently when the engine is running and then goes off.
I have got a multi meter I will check when I get home.

Worse kind of fault is when it is intermittent.

Thank you for the comments
Keep them coming
...Worse kind of fault is when it is intermittent....

I agree, but more likely to be a bad connection somewhere, the problem is, if you redo all connections, then you will never know which one it was...:doh

Mind you... having fixed it, it might never occur again.:thumb2

Battery or earth connection is probably a good place to start.

As said... unless the battery is goosed, unlikely to be the alternator.
Battery terminals first.:thumb2
dodgy alternator

Hi guys

Thank you for your advice i will check the out put of the alternator and earth straps.

Just in case has anyone got an alternator for sale

regards Paulp
Check your battery terminal cables in depth, these are common faults on the Terrano but as stated if the charging was poor from alt or cable it should not start :thumb2
dodgy alternator

Hi all

Thanks for the help.

I tested the alternator and it showed 14.6v with lights on and rngine running.

I have fitted an earth strap do now to see if the fault reoccurs

thank you all for tour help and suggestions

regards paulp
Hi all
Thanks for the help.
I tested the alternator and it showed 14.6v with lights on and rngine running.
I have fitted an earth strap do now to see if the fault reoccurs
thank you all for tour help and suggestions
regards paulp

Alternator looks fine to me.
I tested the alternator and it showed 14.6v with lights on and rngine running.

That's a good output:thumbs nine jumped from 14.2 to 16.6 only after adding a thicker earth cable from the alternator bracket to the body. I have a volt gauge fitted in mine as i've had alternators under or over charge on me before so at least I get an early warning if it should start to play up:augie
dodgy alternator

Checked the out put today

engine of 12.6 volts

started the engine - spiked to 14.4

Turned on the lights - settled to 13.8

i hope these levels are acceptable


regards paulp
Checked the out put today

engine of 12.6 volts

started the engine - spiked to 14.4

Turned on the lights - settled to 13.8

i hope these levels are acceptable


regards paulp

yes they are about right, the reason a car battery is never fully charged ie 15.2 volts is because it sits in the hot engine compartment and at full charge it would gas it's self to death in a short space of time, Rick
big thank you

Dear all

thank you for your help and advice. :thumb2

It always amazes me that people on here will always go out of there way to help others :bow

Regards Paulp