DHL Email.. Don't open

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Jul 2, 2007
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If anyone gets a email from DHL Customer services, with the title, Please get your parcal NR9914, DON'T OPEN (LIKE I DID) It's a Trojan..

If anyone gets a email from DHL Customer services, with the title, Please get your parcal NR9914, DON'T OPEN (LIKE I DID) It's a Trojan..


Which any decent security/anti virus will catch so dont worry :thumb2

The net is awash with them. If you search a site like kaspersky or symantec they list the threats.
yep dhl have a recorded message to effect when you ring em before connecting to an advisor.

usual thing is look out for in an email is if being directed to click on a link, if it displays
in bottom of browser or screen take a look adn decide if it looks genuine to company
concerned or taking you to joe
Which any decent security/anti virus will catch so dont worry :thumb2

The net is awash with them. If you search a site like kaspersky or symantec they list the threats.
Symantic didn't find it till I opened it, by which time it was too late,just kept going back to the sign on page.. :doh
I got the email too............ didn't open the attachement tho, comodo didn't pick it up, have forwarded on to microsoft and comodo forums........
Simple but painful lesson isn't it.

If you don't recognise the sender, just delete the mail.

Despite what people think, especially if the mail is in HTML format, its easy for a script to run as soon as its opened - don't think you need to click on links or open attachments, things have gone way past that.

And as Extreme found out yesterday, you should regularly run (free) tools like Spybot and AVG as a matter of course.