I guess it's time for an update and give thanks for the words of support, the light at the end of the tunnel isn't always an oncoming train...

It's good that you can be open about it at work Jim, I think that working in sales is a bit different and that there is so little understanding that depression would be seen as a weakness. I tend to look at as being challenging and character building, that when days go well that I look to see how the days went well and try and replicate this.
That might actually be normal for most.
This last week has been brilliant, and the weather has played a major part. I have done more cycling this last week than in the rest of the year. Exercise is important, and as Jim knows, diet is important. I think we know that I already take my food seriously and try not to eat rubbish, even when out and about camping.
So part of the self improvement is putting a greater priority on cycling, it has taken a bit of a backseat due to weather and work, I'm developing a strategy for when the weather is rubbish and when I'm working away from home.
One of the things I missed when I was in Spain was music. There's a huge amount of rubbish Spanish music out there, but thanks to 6 Music, I'm getting back into it.
As I said, this week has been good and one of the reasons has been that I've been busy, so guess what my objective is now.
Again that's probably normal for most, but a little insight into the thought process is connected into the point of doing things and it becomes a downward spiral. What's the point of ironing a shirt? It'll only get dirty and creased.
What's the point in doing the washing up? Plates will only get dirty again, just clean the ones that you need.
What's the point in hoovering? Etc, etc.
It's a negative thought process that makes inactivity a very easy option.
Training myself to think differently is a challenge, but so far, so good.
I'm trying to deal with things on my own, there is no family support because those barstewards are one of the contributory factors. I found a packet of Cilatropram last week and was tempted to open it, but I see that as a failure, I didn't need tablets to help me get depressed, I shouldn't need them to get me out of here.
I'm not sure if any of that makes sense, but it's kind of good to get it out there.
Thanks for the positive replies and feedback. :clap :bow