deleted (Jack)

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jace said:
hes been quiet of late i think hes at the dutch hairdressers convention or something

Must be spending his tenner on a new haircut!! :lol: -rotfl-
think the mr2 needs touch up the pink paints bubling round front arch and body kit!
jims-terrano said:
Carry on like this and it will be curlers at dawn pal -rotfl- -rotfl-

Jim T
jim can you leave dawn out of this :lol: trouble is your culers would get as stuck in your hair as your T2 on a green lane -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme-
Still around :lol: had probs with our computer have had to reformat ours a few times over the last few weeks :(
And theres nothing wrong with being a hairdresser!! (Not that I am one) :roll:
glad to hear it whats wrong with pcs been getting to many viruses use avg free from grisoft one best out there!
jace said:
glad to hear it whats wrong with pcs been getting to many viruses use avg free from grisoft one best out there!
Just kept getting told the hard drive was full (It's a Packard Bell bag of crap!) For some reason only known to them the h/d is set up into 2 parts the biggest of those is only somthing like 5% used but you can't use any of the rest for anything 8O So the small bit soon was used up, & I couldn't Defrag it cos I didn't have 15% free :cry:
MistralMac said:
lol - had you fooled there guys - course I was only joking - good grief - do you think I'm stupod or something ... 8O


looks like you've got robobone's keyboard too by spellings n' dropped letters :lol: perhaps it needs jacking up....

OK OK - it's true - I didn't know what the jack was!! :oops:

Nevermind - onwards and upwards and don't look back I say...

But I'm an absolute rookie and I need some more help ...

I've got the jack out and the rod but should there be a handle of some kind to crank the rod? If so - where should it be... what does it look like?

(Blimey - I hope this isn't another really stupid question ... what are the chances? ...)

Tomorrow on my absolute beginners car maintanence course is a change your spare wheel day - so I need to know...!

While I'm on the subject - can somebody tell me what I should be looking for under the car for the marker/position to place the jack.

The crank handle for the jack is formed by using the wheel brace, it should have a square hole in it.

At the rear put the jack directly under the axle tube as far outboard as practical, at the front put it under the the back of the bracket that supports the rear end of the lower wishbone.
i reckon very sensible to ask better a fool on here than stood in pooring rain middle night somewhere remote wishing youd asked!
Do you have the factory wheel brace :?: the wheel brace has a square hole in it which goes over the long bar which fits into the jack.
I can email you a pic of the jacking points which is shown in the owners hand book if you want :smile:
Like jace said mistralmac better to ask on here, rather than stood in the rain in the middle of the night. so remember don't be afraid to ask :smile:
at least you have a sense of humour :lol: :lol:
no question is silly if you dont know the answer.

by the way the wheel inside the truck is a steering wheel spare you will find on the back -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme- -killingme-

sorry couldnt help myself :lol: