Death of forums

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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Supporting Member
Aug 15, 2010
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I just joined the land cruiser owners club forum and a lot of the posts are from over a year ago and there doesn't seem to be a lot of new activity, what do you think makes this forum different from other ones that were once very active but are no longer? A lot of people use facebook groups now which I suppose has caused the death of some forums yet this one keeps going with new content daily, just curious as to why? :nenau
One thing I do know and that the knowledge and experience on this club are second to none.

Threads don’t become disjointed unlike FB, especially good for project threads.

The support and friendship are very helpful and great on here.

There’s also a variety of posts not just vehicle specific as well as other subjects.

I too have seen forums quieten down since the advent of FB and have thought about this one too. The atmosphere on here seems so much more supportive, I’ve posted on other forums and had my head bitten off. Personally I prefer the way this forum is organised into subject areas, FB groups can’t organise like that.
This is not just a forum, it is a club of like minded people that feel free to discus most things in life, Rick
i have found the same when i joined a citroen,kia,ssangyong forum no recent posts and no much in the way of help from them which is why i stay here like has been said not just 4x4 advice lots of other advice plus friendly caring people makes this one special:thumb2
This is not so much a Nissan group, this is just a group of friends.

I feel like I could ask for help here for anything, not just about cars, and my help is also offered out to anyone the same.

There is a really nice core group of like minded friends.

The only bad thing is that we all live so far apart, but anyone is more than welcome to knock on my door. I couldn't say that about ANY Facebook group I'm in.
Is it the £10 membership - sorts out Wheat from Chaff ??

I find forums that are backed by vehicle brands directly or indirectly seem really slow to respond to any questions.
I suspect they want you to run to the main dealers with any issues. It's a few years ago now but I got kicked off the Hyundai Forum for questioning local dealer service. Clearly the moderators work for Hyundai dealers.

I still post sometimes on the Jeep unofficial forum Birty Dastards, the Jeep Forum is static as far as Q&A 's go.

Here even if we don't have a specific issue we can advise on we will chip in with ideas. I see this site as truly Independent. The modest Fee in my mind makes me want to help like minded people who will come up with the membership fee. I get my monies worth here in so many ways, I want others to benefit as well. I hate it when we can't locate something like a wiper amp for a member on his vehicle.
I run a ferret forum, and it is now just the few die hards still posting... There are loads of Ferret fans out there, but I think my forum is now the last true ferret forum still running.

There was about 4 or 5 other forums, but all the others did the parallel FB and forum thing for a while, where suddenly everyone moved over to FB, and the forum got quieter and quieter, till in the end they shut the forum down as it saved money, since FB costs nothing other than your soul. The other problem is Forum Spammers, I do not know how this forum does such a good job of keeping them off, but for me, I have to hand check 8 to 10 a day, to see if the odd real person actually tries to join up and that takes time, the more popular the forum, the more you get trying to join.

I do blame Facebook, as it panders to today's society, where they don't bother researching an issue, they just dive in and ask their questions, expecting everyone else to answer it for them, and as there is no historic data on there, it's the only thing they can do.

I have been researching Scroll Saws. and it's scary because all the info is 5 or 6 years old, as again, no one is posting to the relevant forums anymore, and any results that send you to a FB page have one answer and then 10 keyboard worriers questioning their spelling, grammar, or just plain contradicting the answer with out any constructive information.

It's a shame, but as a person who has been on the web since before it was even called the internet (when I worked at the University), I have seen it go from having not a lot of info, to turning into a great resource for finding the answers to most things, to now, where there is so much junk and advertising on it, that it's hard to actually find real opinions.

I think that the people on this forum are a minority that somehow having Nissan 4x4's in common seem to be nice people, and the ones that aren't like that, soon go away again. It's a bit like already said, this is more like a club/pub where we can talk about anything, and long may it continue.
I have to agree with all the previous comments.

It is a comfortable place to be, with distant friends, ready to support and provide advice on everything from socks, through illness and mental health issues, to MAF amps and side steps......:naughty

I look forward to opening the site each day, to see who said what, who has modded this or that, who needs a bit of a hug or a chat.....:grouphug

Friends who just own Nissans....and not all of us still own them, but stay cos they're always welcome and would be missed if they went....:thumb2

Long may it last.....:clap

I accept that there are rules, but generally this forum has no filters.
However I have never seen anyone offended or upset.
I have often asked for help and got it without question and some invaluable advice.

I hope this forum continues

The old 4x4 ‘any marques’ forum I’ve been with for the last 10yrs is sadly dying on its feet.
Although we had/have over 2000 members it was always the core 20 that made things happen.
The shame of it is, FB has attracted the user across to a more dynamic platform. But the difference is, the forums hold on to and store conversations and articles going years back. This is really a great thing if your researching a problem, issue or a piece about your vehicle.

FB can’t do that!

Our forum here actually sets a benchmark, and is a stand alone success amongst other forums both here and abroad (the Aussies are quiet to).

Yes, we have a common interest in specific vehicle models but that’s just the gate-opener for a bloody good chat amongst mates.
Getting away and meeting up just strengthens a bond we already have, by putting faces to names.

Bring on the next camp fire!! :thumb2
As everyone says, we are people and I think the laning trips and weekends away have made the place stronger and more than a forum. Seeing the personality behind the forum name is always a good thing.

I understand that no one is going to get rich on the back of the forum, but life isn't always about making money, and no I don't want to buy it!!!
I accept that there are rules, but generally this forum has no filters.
However I have never seen anyone offended or upset.
I have often asked for help and got it without question and some invaluable advice.

I hope this forum continues


Been here 14 years and modding would guess about 10 of them.

There have been moments, a few have been asked to leave or
been pushed. Generally on 'ism' issues.

....then few to mention....!
I am new here, from where I stand everyone seems to just have a very pleasant attitude, there appears to be no nasty or unpleasant sarcastic comments!!!!!
The first forum I got involved with I posted a question (that I obviously didn't know the answer to) and one old member gave me a most unfriendly reply------ I never went on there again-------- it just takes that one or two members to create that uncomfortable feeling!!!!!

I have been around forums a while now and if I got that type of reply I would just block that person!!!!!!
Newcomers ( like me) can ask what to experienced members may seem stupid/simple things, it's the attitude of the response that makes so much difference!!!!!!!
I often say there are no stupid questions but sometimes stupid answers!!!!!
Nigel & Pamala
Nigel, when I’m fit and well I instruct young people in my spare time on a voluntary basis. I make a point of never making people feel bad about asking questions and I often tell youngsters the only stupid question is the one that doesn’t get asked. I try and live by that type of rule of thumb.

I think this place has got to be a one off forum, club, pub group of friends. At the moment this place has been a hell of a strength for me and I’m so grateful for the support.

Long may it last too so that I can pay back the support.
Nigel, when I’m fit and well I instruct young people in my spare time on a voluntary basis. I make a point of never making people feel bad about asking questions and I often tell youngsters the only stupid question is the one that doesn’t get asked. I try and live by that type of rule of thumb.

I think this place has got to be a one off forum, club, pub group of friends. At the moment this place has been a hell of a strength for me and I’m so grateful for the support.

Long may it last too so that I can pay back the support.

That's exactly the attitude I meant!!!!!!
It also doesn't appear to matter what 4x4 you drive------- or even IF you drive one!
I was a member of a motorhome forum for a ( very) short time and at meets the rows of motorhomes would be in value order------ yes that's correct, the most expensive ones at the front!!!! Pamala and I weren't even allowed on their field as we only had a land rover and roof tent!!!! We went to the meet to try and decide what motorhome to buy--------
We learnt a good lesson there------- apart from the fact that that club was not for us!!!!!!!
I am a member on several forums, both cars and bikes. This is the only one where I pay a subscription, and the only one that I would pay for. My main bike forum is like this but there are only about 250 members and only 20 or so who post regularly But we all live within an hour of each other and meet once a month. This is the only other forum where I have actually met members in the flesh. as said previously this is a group of friends. Some come and go but lots stay, and even if you don't post for a while its like you were never away.I know if I post a problem on here I will have several replies within 24 hrs from people I trust
There have been some characters on here over the years, Alex,Ryan, I was trying to find his classic thread about his girl friend coming to stay but I couldn't fined it . so funny! and that's why it's so good here
I already created and managed a forum in Portugal, and it's a hard job to keep everybody happy.
Mainly when you have some disruptive members that you can't get out.

As someone already told, the pay subscription helps to keep the unwanted outside.

In 4x4 foruns have more activity then other due to the "Green laning" as you call it and after the green laning the posts about repairing what was broken last weekend!!! :D

And great friendships are made! :cool: