Might pay to hold on a bit and think over the proceedure for checking coolant level. You might not have a problem at all.
Check coolant when motor is cold and it usually stays about the midway mark. Which is where it should be.
When the engine gets hot the coolant "expands" into the reservoir and the level rises almost to the max.mark. Conversely, when the engine cools off again the water "contracts" back into the engine block, radiator etc. and resumes its normal mid way level.
The water on your carpets can be from a variety of other sources. There are threads on "water in passenger footwell" and suchlike.
The heater matrix is a tricky long winded, expensive job. Better to eliminate all other causes first.
But-----like I said----you may not have a problem at all, judging from the facts you give so far. The fact that you are topping up each month may only mean that you are making your "overflow" dump a bit of excess each month, (the bit you are putting in to reach the max mark).
Hope this makes sense. Good luck.