To be honest I reckon that you need to check for water ingress as this is your likely cause of so much condensation. Check carpets really well, under them if you can. Use your sunroof on tilt with the blind across to stop any rain drops. You need to ventilate. How about just cracking windows open half inch all the way round as this will create air flow. Also my blind is pulled all the way across, it cuts out the light but more importanly it insulates.
My sunroof only dripped once, that was when water was getting around between the actual glass and the rubber seal. I used tiger seal with the nozzle pushed between glass and rubber seal and went all the way around the glass.
Get your AC regassed now and leave it turned on and with the heater on. It dries the air out and also makes it feel less stuffy too.
Oh yeah one last idea, replace the pollen filter as this will reduce air flow if blocked and they do block easily.