Code 18 sometimes, if I stall the car...

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Mar 10, 2009
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so, sometimes if I stall the car, say at traffic lights etc, i get the MiL on, giving me code 18. I reset it, it doesnt come back. This doesnt happen everytime i stall, just most of the time. E.G. I stalled at lights today (not giving enough gas when lifting clutch) but the MiL didnt come up. Stalled in the front drive just now, and i get code 18 again...

anything to look at, or just ignore it?
Same code i get mate when mine stalls, It's the fuel quantity sensor fault which is in the pump. i would not worry about it until gets wrse as it's going to be a pump overhall (£££££££££). just out of interest when yours stalls do you have to take the key out before it will restart?.
F'ing loads. Don't worry about it as it does not effect the running of the motor as of yet.
well...mines been like this since i got it. i suspect previous owners new, and got rid while he could. to be honest, id rather replace it before it breaks...
It wont break. just save your money for now and see how it goes. Mine has been like it since i had mine and has not got any worse. But if you have cash to throw away carry on mate.:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh
nope, no cash to speak of lol, but im fussy...ill see how it goes, end of the day the code goes, and i dont have any trouble restarting...

ill keep my eye out for a recon unit, or for someone that can repair what i have..
What you need to look at is how much the motor is worth as there's no point in throwing money at it if it's only worth £1200. I see your thinking of getting three new injectors, There going to be about £300 when fitted, then to get your pump reconed that could be £300-£600 dependent on what it needs, so a total of £900 ish not worth it unless these things break. its getting on now and things ware :nenau:nenau:nenau:nenau:nenau:nenau:nenau:nenau:nena
thats how my old tdi went,stalling and getting the mil light on.
took about a month for it to die totally.
looked for a second hand pump but at the end of the day it wasn't cost effective for me to replace it so i spent the money on a new motor which i ran daily until recently.
Only if you keep thinking and worrying about it :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
so a dead pump is generally the end of the vehicles life>? thats a bit worrying...

But you have not got a dead pump, and as long as yo feed it with clean derv there is no reason to worry about it, yours has a minor fault thats all, and there is always the scrappie, Rick