Clivvy needs help!

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It may be that the ice formed as you drove along, it was -7.7c here this morning you will have noticed that the fan runs for the first 1/2, and that is some fan, -8c being forced through the rad probably in low gear with the engine revving. regards bri
truck loan

just lent my truck to my brother in law , sat here biting my nails until he returns! why did i say yes, :doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh
just lent my truck to my brother in law , sat here biting my nails until he returns! why did i say yes, :doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh

Clearly he knows how to handle 4x4 's then , so he won't push it beyond the limit, and speed everywhere. :doh :doh

Don't worry, plenty of spare parts available within the club.:thumb2

Sorry, but I wouldn't lend mine, I get worried if the MOT tester takes it out for a run :doh:doh:doh
I cant put any anti freeze in tonight, because I cant get to the lower rad hose clip without removing the guard or something similar. Plan is to check in the morning, its supposed to be warmer tomorrow, so first job is to remove rad hose top or bottom, and get some anti freeze in. I wont be driving it or starting it and i will do everything I can to warm it up IF the pipes freeze again...

just checked forecast here is -2, well, its been that most nights and coolant never froze, so ill probably be ok tonight...
I cant put any anti freeze in tonight, because I cant get to the lower rad hose clip without removing the guard or something similar. Plan is to check in the morning, its supposed to be warmer tomorrow, so first job is to remove rad hose top or bottom, and get some anti freeze in. I wont be driving it or starting it and i will do everything I can to warm it up IF the pipes freeze again...

Do a last minute warm up before you turn in.
Find some old blankets or old sleeping bags, even an old tarpauline and place over the bonnet and make sure they reach the ground. If you have any 1 gallon water carriers or similar, fill with hot water wrap them in a few carrier bags and place them around the engine.
Should help it survive the night.:thumb2
Do a last minute warm up before you turn in.
Find some old blankets or old sleeping bags, even an old tarpauline and place over the bonnet and make sure they reach the ground. If you have any 1 gallon water carriers or similar, fill with hot water wrap them in a few carrier bags and place them around the engine.
Should help it survive the night.:thumb2

ok mate i'll go do that now before i forget
covered the engine. had a go at removing the clip holding the lower rad hose on, but couldnt get the screwdriver in. i simply cant see the screw, so tomorrow ill use the camera to take a pic and get an idea of whats what. everything appeared liquid, so fingers crossed.
covered the engine. had a go at removing the clip holding the lower rad hose on, but couldnt get the screwdriver in. i simply cant see the screw, so tomorrow ill use the camera to take a pic and get an idea of whats what. everything appeared liquid, so fingers crossed.

Take the steel bash plate off, 5x 6 mm bolts, so a 10mm socket will fit, then the clip is easy to undo, you can get a bucket underneath, but water will be coming out of both ends. Remove the rad cap, remove the header tank to empty and clean out while you are at it.You can put the hose back loose, fill with water run the engine for a while then empty again. repeat... then drain fasten lower hose clip and try to get in 5 litres of concentrated antifreeze, run and top up and put the remainder of the antifreeze in the header, 50% strength.
Just about done. Managed without removing plate underneath. Sat in it now as it idles, warm air already in cab, taking ages to warm engine but everything appears good, must have circulation because to of rad is getting warm.
clivvys problem

hey up have you sorted your truck out now?
Clearly he knows how to handle 4x4 's then , so he won't push it beyond the limit, and speed everywhere. :doh :doh

Don't worry, plenty of spare parts available within the club.:thumb2

Sorry, but I wouldn't lend mine, I get worried if the MOT tester takes it out for a run :doh:doh:doh

got my truck back about an hour ago , and spent it looking all round . alls good , fhew wont be doing that again ,more woorying than when baby was on the way,:eek:
hey up have you sorted your truck out now?

heyup, yup, everything seems ok. I swapped the thermostat while i was at it, although I have no reason to believe it wasnt working. The old one was brown, so I probably need to flush and clean the whole system asap. I removed the lower RAD hose, then flushed through the RAD with warm water a few times. Changed thermostat, refitted hose, filled with neat AF (still have a tiny bit left from the 5 litre bottle), also added some into the overflow bottle but again, I need to remove that and clean it out.

Started car, and within minutes, i had warm air, whereas before, I didnt get warm air for well over 15 mins. Toasty warm air before the gauge reached 1/4. Took for a long drive up/down country lanes and hills (my idea of a proper test drive) and temp gauge was spot on just about 1/4 as it always is, no leaks detected but ill monitor this over the next few days. i think i got of lightly.
Very pleased you got it sorted.
I hope other members learn from this thread.

Prevention is better than cure.:thumb2
absolutely. i made the mistake of assuming my coolant was ok, but i realised that I havent actually changed it since buying the car (unlike on my other cars where I have changed it), so plan now is to get a tester, and keep that handy!
clivvys sorted

nice one glad its ok, i think weve all learnt something,:thumb2