Well I survived the end of the world, so a mere supercharger should be a doddle :lol
Supercharger? interesting, how you gonna drive it? Rick
Hi Rick, in my thinking land I'll take a big belt off the spare A/C slot on bottom pulley. Tensioner and mounting brackets to be custom made. I hope to find enough room on the n/s for the s/c Then bypass valve then chuffing big intercooler, probably top mount, then into the intake mani :thumbs
Fuel pump up a bit then fiddle with s/c pulley sizes to get the right boost. Simples :lol
Crimbo is going to be busy this year :naughty
Ah, wont be V belt, have to have one of those ribbed jobbies for extra pleasure, er I mean grip:bow
A proper supercharger! wow,:Bow, think you may struggle with a single V belt, but wish you luck and wait to hear, kRic
Ah, wont be V belt, have to have one of those ribbed jobbies for extra pleasure, er I mean grip
Probaly have to machine a new bottom pulley. Blower has clutch on it too :thumbs
The wife says that a lot :lolyou are something else
NOTHING.......Dont want owt...Im not a Bar humbug, there really is nothing i would want anyone else to buy me. I like to buy my own stuff that way i know its right, it will fit and will be the right colour.
Ah, wont be V belt, have to have one of those ribbed jobbies for extra pleasure, er I mean grip
Probaly have to machine a new bottom pulley. Blower has clutch on it too :thumbs
Thanks for the info, I'll be having a stroll or two up the scrappy after crimbo :slyVw/Audi cars all have ribbed belts and auto tensioners, could prolly get the bottom pulley/tensioner for a few quid, could then weld the bottom pulley on to your pulley and have it balanced if you could be arsed
Vw/Audi cars all have ribbed belts and auto tensioners, could prolly get the bottom pulley/tensioner for a few quid, could then weld the bottom pulley on to your pulley and have it balanced if you could be arsed
i have everything i need , a loving family and great friends , anything else is a bonus .......MERRY CHRISTMASS EVERYONE :thumb2
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