christmas eve, what are you upto today?

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2008
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morning all, busy today, proberly running round like a headless chicken, lunch with mother in law that will be belly full of laughs im sure:sly last bit of shopping, help the missus tidy up, sort out meat and veg for tomorrow, nice dinner, and a coulple of beers tonight, merry christmas one and all:thumbs

Im working half day.. YES working I do some times you know..

home then till 5th. with kids dad and in laws come over tomorrow .
I'm working 'til 2pm then out at a friends tonight.

Goin to stay with my folks in Wales from Friday - Monday then back @ work Monday afternoon.
Well I'm already off, might tidy up a bit ready for wife coming home at lunchtime. We have our Christmas dinner at teatime Christmas Eve and then we don't have to rush around tomorrow. Must go and have my cup of tea.

Jim T
Im working till 5.30pm then home and feed animals.
My man is going to be working late again:rolleyes: so will be on my own till 9pm then christmas starts:clap
Off for 2days then work again:(
Going for a walk on the beach christmas day and totally unwind for 2 whole days
Merry christmas everyone

Working till about 1600 we are very busy,Hovis Bakery The supermarkets dictate the orders and every year Bread sales drop Xmas ev When will they learn.

Happy Christmas to you all 5 Year A member now what a great club

Were off already so just getting a few things we forgot from the shops,then chill tonight with a bottle oh baileys and watch a few films!!:thumbs
Finished early at 5am,just put Gammon in oven for tomorrow.Cooking Pork and Turkey later today.Having son and fiance round for dinner tomorrow.First can around 4pm whiskey about 7pm put my nighty down and put me to bed.:lol:thumb2:clap:clap
just finished 1pm help mrs a bit have a shower becuase i stink then tea then off to the birds my local ( no change there ) and get drunk lol then play santa later when kids are asleep :doh then i think me be up very early 3 boys 2 of them very excited :D have a good one every one ho ho ho :pep
Well I got some cleaning done, the dinning room is now trimmed up too. Wife home from work too, turkey in the oven:thumbs Crimbo starts here:clap:clap
The Best Christmas Album In The World Ever playing away all day so it must be Christmas.

Have a good Christmas everyone

Jim T
Well I've started on the Shiraz, went in to the kitchen and asked if I had finished driving and the answer was I think so. As I pulled the bottle from the wine rack I said I know so:beer


PS anyone started watching Norad Tracks Santa yet
thats it jobs done now best bit off to pub :clap:thumbs
Pandamonium here ,It's great melba toast made,mealy pudding mad e & trifle made got some of the grand kids trying to stuff me wer'e going to chill out soon with a few more drinks Merry christmas evryone.
Just got in from work..teas on order.. cans in fridge.. me a happy man! :thumbs

Better still Teas here!!
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christmas eve what are you doing

hi`a .worked till 2pm after talk from boss he divied up all the bottles of spirits I got 2 bottles of wine .
then came the free range fresh turkey all 22lbs of the thing.:eek:
spent afternoon fitting new pads to rear of Disco .
then chopped turkey up we now have a 10lb turkey crown.
we will still be eating it at easter.

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