Byways near worksop area

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2009
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Does anyone know any byways around the Worksop area?

I am normally happy to travel, but it would be fun to do some exploring near home :thumb2
just a suggestion .... try the local councils website , they normally have detailed maps of the area .
got invited out tommorrow to do some lanes around your way but its too short notice as ive got loads to do while i'm off work for a few days.
they are starting at mansfield woodhouse and finishing at spitfire bottoms.
have a look at this.
you can scroll around the map to look for by ways and rights of way.
get a landranger 120 os map as this covers your area.
the red cross is the start of a by way but you should always check you can drive it before you do.
have a look at the glass website and click on tro section and that will give you an up to date list of routes that are closed.
Cheers Elty i'll take a look. I have all the landranger maps for this part of the country from my trail riding days. I just need to learn how to use them again and find out which lanes I can use and which I cannot use.

I am really looking forward to a drive out and some green laning soon. :D

I am half tempted to get my trail bike back on the road so I can go exploring in the peak district before going up there in cars :D
i was hoping to get out laning in the near future but i dont seem to have time at the moment:(
allways seems to be something that needs doing:lol
my mate keeps texting me to see if i am going out.
i know alot of the lanes in the peaks but they do get busy at the weekends.
have got a route that takes in the lanes from matlock up into the peak district just not driven it for a while.
will have to set a date and stick to it.
here is the list of tro's on the glass website