Big bang.....sounded expensive!!!!

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Feb 23, 2010
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hi all, ive just went over a speed bump about 10mph, massive bang and the suspension dropped, looked underneath, and its what i believe is the torsion bar, what sort of price, is it a dealer part ect ect, im in middlesbrough and hope to get one off the peg in the morning if possible!

hi all, ive just went over a speed bump about 10mph, massive bang and the suspension dropped, looked underneath, and its what i believe is the torsion bar, what sort of price, is it a dealer part ect ect, im in middlesbrough and hope to get one off the peg in the morning if possible!

got second hand one if your interested
I did that on an unexpected hump back bridge :(

cost 25 quid from scrapyard(+2 hours taking it off) and another 3 hours refitting.
most scrappies have at least one in, just try and find one that you can get at without lying in a load of mud

oh and definitely not of the peg
I'm not sure if it's the same with Terrano's, but the torsion bars for my Delica were specific for left and right hand side and I would be wary of getting one from a breakers yard as you can't be sure the same thing won't happen as soon as you fit it!

Sorry for the negative slant.


yea, its the long one that runs from the centre of the car to the front. how much delivered?

cheers anth
If I was using a second hand one, I would use one from the same side, as these bars develop a twist over time, that's why they sag at the front.

I read somewhere, if you use the wrong side, the twist will try to unwind and it will fail earlier due to metal fatigue.

So I would consider this in your chioce

Best regards, Rustic.
If I was using a second hand one, I would use one from the same side, as these bars develop a twist over time, that's why they sag at the front.

I read somewhere, if you use the wrong side, the twist will try to unwind and it will fail earlier due to metal fatigue.

So I would consider this in your chioce

Best regards, Rustic.

Wise words indeed :thumb2
Wise words indeed :thumb2
ive just got what looks like a nearly new one off cncfabs,:thumb2
he also asked what side i required and marked front and rear.
any tips for fitting? my mate is a good mechanic, but has never replaced one before:nenau
not hard to do just a bit fiddly, with a broken shaft you will have nothing to reference the the spline to use, but from memory the adjusting bar with the wishbone right down wants to be slightly proud of the access hole only a mill or so, you should then have enough adjustment to play with to get the level right, Rick
You can always disconnect the adjuster on the other side, and check "How it's hanging"... :naughty

Then both side are more likely to be the same.

It's a pity they didn't manufacture a line down the bar, so you can check just how much twist (set) you have on them.