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Jun 18, 2010
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Makes you sick that the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 - 60 years....
I am among the £6000 a year brigade!
How can this countries polititions allow this to happen?
Absolutely ridiculous.
How can this countries polititions allow this to happen?
Absolutely ridiculous.

It can happen because we have no one in charge of the country with a pair of balls, this country is the laughing stock of the globe i read in the express the other day that any one from to eu can come here at any age and claim a british pension! how is that fair when nursing homes are being shut! am i rascist? yes i am!! and bloody proud to be but im fighting a loosing battle english white tax payers are having one child because thats all they can afford, pondlife that ends up here have 5 or 6 so eventually the soap dodging work shy benefit grabbing f***ers will out number us so think on everyone

rant over!!
Then they wonder why people become racist

I have seen this statement going around for a while, but where do these figures come from, is there any evidence to suggest they are anything other than made up to provoke racist / xenophobic sentiments? If you read it carefully and think about it, it doesn't even make sense. It's a con trick don't fall for it! :(
I have seen this statement going around for a while, but where do these figures come from, is there any evidence to suggest they are anything other than made up to provoke racist / xenophobic sentiments? If you read it carefully and think about it, it doesn't even make sense. It's a con trick don't fall for it! :(
The figures may be questionable, but the basic disparity remains.
How can this countries polititions allow this to happen?
Absolutely ridiculous.

Its simple, its so we look good to the EU.

Makes you ashamed to call your self British dont it! when we treat our own people as 2nd class citizens.
The figures may be questionable, but the basic disparity remains.

if the figures are untrue how can the disparity remain? trust me it's nonsense, for example how does an illegal immigrant claim benefits? :doh

there are many things that seem unjust in life but this fabricated example only serves to stir up discord and trouble in society, sentiments not worthy of this fine club :thumbs
I know an Immigrant. He's one of the nicest people I have ever met. Been in this country for about 4 years, lives with his wife, her parents and their children. small house. they all work very hard, and soon he will have his own home, which is a dream of his. He says, that back where he came from, it wouldnt happen, and he loves this country for giving him the opportunity.

When I talk to him, it makes me think twice about judging others.
A quick google search of "illegal immigrant 29900 6000" brings up this note issued by the House of Commons library:

It states that these same figures have been circulating since 2007 and the original emails were aimed at Australians (and maybe Canadians before that).

If you're going to hate someone - best to make it a rational hate based on facts rather than BS !
A quick google search of "illegal immigrant 29900 6000" brings up this note issued by the House of Commons library:

It states that these same figures have been circulating since 2007 and the original emails were aimed at Australians (and maybe Canadians before that).

If you're going to hate someone - best to make it a rational hate based on facts rather than BS !

An excellent point and an excellent link, here is a quote from it:

The email alleges that “if you cross the British border illegally you get a job, a driver’s license, pension card, welfare, credit cards, subsidised rent or a loan to buy a house, free education and free healthcare.” It also suggests that “illegal immigrants/refugees living in Britain” are entitled to financial assistance worth up to £29,900 per year, in contrast to pensioners who, it says, receive only £6,000 a year in benefit.The email contains text from a protest email which has been circulating in Australia for some time now, but which may have originated in Canada. Versions also circulate in the United States, and elements even appear in protest emails as far afield as India. The UK version has been adapted, somewhat crudely, for a domestic audience by someone or some organisation unknown. The figures quoted bear no relation whatsoever to the situation in the United Kingdom.

as i said earlier it is nonsense :thumb2
my point exactly :clap


On an aside, I'll happily admit I am have been very wary of some foreign cultures, 100% due to ignorance of them.

However I had my first ever visit to a Mosque a couple of weeks ago. It was a Turkish Muslim one. I understand they are quite liberal. It was fascinating (not that anyone could persuade me to follow any religion :D )

Highly recommended :thumb2

On an aside, I'll happily admit I am have been very wary of some foreign cultures, 100% due to ignorance of them.

However I had my first ever visit to a Mosque a couple of weeks ago. It was a Turkish Muslim one. I understand they are quite liberal. It was fascinating (not that anyone could persuade me to follow any religion :D )

Highly recommended :thumb2

Dave, I think there is a 'Little Englander' in all of us, being big enough to admit it and get past it is the way forward :thumb2
In the haters defence, England is one of the soft touches for illigal imigrants because once they get in, it is very hard to get them back out. I have delt with some of them at the company i work for, they came in to us in the back of a lorry that came from france, as the doors were opened the first words i heard them say was " Is this England, I want Asylam" they made no effort to run off, just stood waiting for the police. If they have NO Passport were stuck with them and have to give them money to live on and some where to live. I dont know how much it is but its better than what they had. Now when you look at the amount of people getting in to the country and times that by how much the country pays out to them, not just in money but in aid and other areas likes policing the boarders, then it all adds up.

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