Numbers .. More walkers and bikers with louder voices than us so we're sunk. The greens will jump on their band wagon as wil most politicians. Maybe P and P will be the only off-roading available. What will happen to our free spirit? David
It is sadly, I was watching a programme about the Lake District last week. Some really vibrant guy wanted to put in a zip wire.......the opposition was so blind and obstruse of the future...all they wanted to do was fossilized the place......this is a common syndrome in the countryside......I know I used to have to manage large lumps of it.....
We had that problem with hang gliding in the early days all the good sites were in threat of closure, fortunately the BHGA has some good members and at least one lawyer, some were saved
Start an association to do the negotiating if one does not exist, there is a lot to lose.
I bought my 4x4 for snow so no problem, we don't get a lot 'darn sarf':lol