Banshee's Breaker 'aint a breaker!!!!!!!!

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I had to say something didn't I :doh :lol

:lol:lol I'm in no rush to get rid really.
Just undecided what to do with it.
Get it back up and running and sell it or run it for a while and enjoy a bit of cheaper motoring as it has an lpg kit that all works as it should.
:lol:lol I'm in no rush to get rid really.
Just undecided what to do with it.
Get it back up and running and sell it or run it for a while and enjoy a bit of cheaper motoring as it has an lpg kit that all works as it should.

Sounds alright that, especially if its no hassle getting lpg
Well yet again last night and the night before have been FULL of mini adventures and by the time I've got home after work it's pitch black making an inspection of the truck difficult.

I've done a preliminary one by LED torchlight but I want to a daylight check on some ramps ideally so I can REALLY have a good poke around.

I did a nightly patrol as usual last night around the estate before turning in for the night and decided to take the truck. :( :( :( Toshi really has looked after this truck, it was an absolute dream to drive and dare I say it............ I'm starting to take a fancy to the automatic :eek: :surrender
It's a breaker!!!!!!!!!

Last night I got home early enough to roll under the truck in the daylight and had a very very good poke around and inspection.

I have now indeed found work that would need doing to get it back on the road with an MOT that I'm not prepared to undertake.

I found a hole in the boot floor that looks like it's going to get bigger by the day and then also found a very very weak section if sill that got a knock from Mr Hammer and shattered into a thousand pieces. It's about 5cm from a body mount too so deffo a fail.

So I'll be breaking after all, I'm going to close this thread off and start a new one advertising parts :thumb2