Bad Starting on my Maverick

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Apr 23, 2010
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Hi Folks,

A few months ago I had hot starting problems with my '97 Maverick 2.7 turbo intercooler. Fitting new glowplugs, glowplug relay and temperature sensor seemed to solve the problem until the battery died shortly afterwards while starting after changing the fuel filter. The battery was replaced with the largest that will fit into the box, though at present I cannot remember its Ah or cold cranking performance is (it's about twice the size of the one on my Citroen 1.9 diesel). After this work all seemed well until I started having a problem a couple of months ago with cold starts.

What usually happens is I switch on the ignition, let the glowplug light go out, then switch off the ignition and switch on again then let the glowplug light go out once more before turning the motor over. In accordance with the owners' handbook, I floor the pedal on frosty mornings and use half the travel on non-frosty days. Usually this results in an instant start and smooth running...

Starting performance does seem worse on colder mornings, but the car will often start having been left for a week in hard frosts and sometimes fail to start on relatively mild days.

When starting isn't instant, the usual result is the car will not start at all unless left for a few hours, whereupon it'll start in its usual friendly, eager to please fashion.

If I persist in trying to start after the initial refusal, the car behaves as if it has a flat battery, turning over very sluggishly. On no occasion has the battery proved to be flat as substitution with a known good replacement has made no difference and the car will start later with no problems if left. Providing extra capacity with jump leads or a jump pack makes no difference either. If starting fails on the key, the car will start quickly with a bump or tow.

The leads and all connectors remain cool to touch indicating that connections are OK. I'm getting a full 12.5-13.0 volts to the glowplugs.

I suspect that the starter motor is past its best, but am suspicious that it could cause the refusal to start as it turns over pretty well, if not smartly. Before I go and spend the best part of £200 on another starter motor, does anyone on here have any ideas what the problem(s) might be?

Many thanks,

could it actually be the ignition switch itself? the only test I know is to turn the key very slowly indeed, and see if it makes a diffference. I had to do this on mine, the switch compnents inside were burnt out, this meant it would start randomly when turning the key normally, and almost everytime when turning the key very slowly, this was because the connection was not being made properly inside the switch
I don't touch the pedal when starting.

I also noticed a click (probably some relay to do with the glowplugs) after a few seconds which seems to go off just after the glowplug light goes off on a normal day and takes a bit longer for the click noise on cold days.

So I tend to turn the ignitition straight after I hear the click.
I don't touch the pedal when starting.

I also noticed a click (probably some relay to do with the glowplugs) after a few seconds which seems to go off just after the glowplug light goes off on a normal day and takes a bit longer for the click noise on cold days.

So I tend to turn the ignitition straight after I hear the click.

Ditto on the pedal thing, should be a 'feet off' startup AFAIK.:)
I don't touch the pedal when starting.

I also noticed a click (probably some relay to do with the glowplugs) after a few seconds which seems to go off just after the glowplug light goes off on a normal day and takes a bit longer for the click noise on cold days.

So I tend to turn the ignitition straight after I hear the click.

Thats exactly what I was told by a mechanic. Also last week changed my starter motor because of similar symptoms, all is well now.

same here, just in the process of replacing my starterits currently gone off for a recon, cncfabs has one that may fit your truck give him a pm
I had somthing similar on my peugeot Partner van
Turned out to be the lead from the battery, cleaned up the terminals AOK now 'simples' but that was after I put the spare starter on:doh:doh
does it turn over ok to start with?

Had this with a ford of mine check your earth. i replaced mine and added an extra engine to chassis earth. not been a problem since.
I have to say it's the starter. I've had 3 second hand ones now :doh All seemed fine but the last one gave me grief so I dug deep and bought a new one :thumbs
I really can't believe the difference.
BUT where did you get that 200 quid from:eek:
Here's a link to the bloke I got mine from £102 delivered and new:thumbs
Oh yeh, get your feet off de pedal:D it's elecromatonic:rolleyes:
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Thanks for all the advice: I've decided to get a new starter motor and see if this improves things.

After comments here, I've revisited the dreaded auction website and found a starter motor for £67.50 plus postage and packing. Much better than the near-£200 that I was quoted at my local motor factors.

I'm interested to hear the comments about not touching the accelerator during starting. I've double checked the Ford owners' handbook and it's explicit about the 1/2 and full throttle routine that I've been following. Mind you, for the first few months having not read the instructions, I left the pedal alone as people here have described. I haven't noticed make any difference to be honest. I was a little surprised, as I was aware the Maverick's a fly-by-wire job. Still, that's what the book said...

Once again, thank you for all the help.
