Thats why you have cops who can overcome the desire to take physical vengeance, beat em by brains and evidence then pass them into the judicial system :thumb2
Sometimes the judicial system where it falls apart. On this occasion I reckon the judge was bang on naming them.
i think if round guilty everyone should be named no matter how old or what crime.and no hiding place or new names
i remember months back now there was rumor that the woman from the soham murders was in hiding in a village near me.
but either some poor sod was getting miss identified and could have been beeten up for nothing , or it was her and then we have a nutter in our mists. around our families
for me the whole justice system stinks. it does not have much to offer me.
lets face it. the other weekend. i went there and made a complaint etc. and allegedly they went to see him. (but i dont tjhink so ) but all i got was a phone call
now if i was speeding or off road illegally .... oh they will be there in a flash even send out a helicopter at the tax payers expence.
so its all wrong very very wrong
its not personal as you know .but its just not right its not working and unless the police can police and the judges start dealing with the twats the police do get to court. they wont have the respect of the people.
as for policing i do think most want to serve the people just the system has targets and stupid rules.
only that **** mr brown can sort that but he's a waste of space
what this country needs is some balls and less of this p.c crap , rewarding criminals and targeting the poor bloke who just wants a nice quiet life
but it always comes around .
if you take enough away from enough people .... all you end up with is a load of angry people with f*ck all to loose
then they will have to sort out a big problem like the poll tax riots