
Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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hello cosmic, i would like to get it covered in mud but there is nowhere down this way, that i know of, to go off road, i shall be looking into it shortly, nearest i get is up the kerb outside my house and on to the grass lol.

hello cosmic, i would like to get it covered in mud but there is nowhere down this way, that i know of, to go off road, i shall be looking into it shortly, nearest i get is up the kerb outside my house and on to the grass lol.


coverd in MUD um you want to tell us something personal Tezzer??

Oh no there no hiding now!!:D

just think... and ive not even started YET!!!
I dont have a good avator now coz ive not got the Terrano anymore!! Boo Hoo!!
No idea

What a load of sdlfkjgp9845uy9t8
How do I get me avatar thing back?
Bloody hard work all of a sudden to find anything!
Where's the ruddy emotion things,bah humbug!
I've joined and left forums before cause they're just too bloody stupid to work!
Dont tell me I know it's me grrr
Hurray finally got a avatar but not the one I want so will try again.
I had to post it through firefox it wouldn't take it from my tiscali site:nenau
Well i have had no problems... my avatar
and my Sig, i also see Paul332 has an animated Avatar so they work too!
\ /
Last edited:
What a load of sdlfkjgp9845uy9t8
How do I get me avatar thing back?
Bloody hard work all of a sudden to find anything!
Where's the ruddy emotion things,bah humbug!
I've joined and left forums before cause they're just too bloody stupid to work!
Dont tell me I know it's me grrr

you just need to add it back in like befor.
user cp
edit avatar

emotions, user cp again..
edit option. right down the bottom change to standard editor

enjoy it site, works far faster and is a lot easyer to use Promise!!!