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Jan 1, 2011
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Long shot I know but does anyone know of an auto electrician in the Limousin region of France? :eek:
Brake lights, had a problem before which turned out to be the brake light switch which I replaced.
All well until one day smoke issued from the loom, including the fuse, which stopped when I removed the melting 10A fuse. They haven't worked since :(
Both wires from the back of the fuse and the brake lights are melted as is the fuse holder. Obviously there is a problem somewhere but I really don't know where to start :nenau
Any advice/suggestions gratefully received.
Ok basic info.

Has it got a towbar? If so how are the electrics connected?
Is there any other sort of wiring been done that’s none standard?

Surely a fuse of that size should blow before the wires burn out, wonder if the fuse is faulty which is obviously not the main fault but potentially made it worse.
Thank you for your suggestion, it has a towbar and one of the terminals in the socket was broken so to eliminated that possible cause I purchased and fitted a new one but the problem is not solved. :confused:
It doesn't seem to have any non-standard wiring. Don't know about the fuse because the fuse holder has melted so I cannot replace the old fuse.
I am thinking I will have to rewire using an in-line fuse holder. Would you agree?
yes replace all wiring that is melted inline fuse to also check all earth points / connections are good or make new earth wire points for the lights to good clean metal and make sure fuse is of correct size then if it happens again the fuse should pop first also check the brake light switch is working correctly most problems i have had with the wiring always seems to be the rear light wires that are underneath with really crap connections i always chop out any of the multi plugs and use grease filled connectors instead:thumb2
From what you are saying sounds like wiring has severe damage so if you are confident then run new wiring.
Now the following is how I would do it and by no means telling you this is how you should do it.

Get a piggy back fuse holder, readily available on say eBay. Find a ignition switched circuit in fuse box such as rear wiper. Find a low amp fuse such as a 5amp but don’t fit until complete.
Run a wire from piggy back to brake switch.
Run a wire from brake switch to rear brake lights and brake light feed to towbar.
I don’t know what connectors are on brake light switch so I am assuming it’s 2 terminals.
I would be tempted to run my own earth to brake lamps just so I knew it was a good earth.
I would use an ignition switched live so that the new wiring will be dead with ignition turned off.

Hope that makes sense.