Anyone up for a pint and a chat

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yep. my old car could tow any bigger than what we got at the time,

still under garrante at the mo so all good!


to one and all.
Well I been kind of productive today so I'm pretty tired out now. Went out this morning to get a carpet for my sons bedroom, first place we went to had a roll end marked up at £60 so I offered him cash and got it down by a tenner, OK not a lot but it's better in my pocket than theirs. A friend of mine came round at lunchtime to climb the ladder to the gable end, he fitted me some eyelts round the back for my aerials and a hook at the front to string the icile lights from. Fitted the carpet which I hate doing but got it done without too much hassle and then fitted the blind in the bedroom window.
Tomorrow I've got to build his High sleeper and move him in tomorrow. I've just found out that MFI branches have been selling displays off at 80% off today and tomorrow. I guess the best will be gone by now but it's tempting to go and have a look tomorrow.
I too ought to have a drink but I'm too lazy to pour one :roll:

am i the only one who has noticed the new member today. admin the site owner ? he has a 96 terrano ... announcement is imminent i guess
extreme-4x4 said:
yeah hope to take a big trailer tomorrow to get a load more,

went up to sarn helen road, today its partly closed due to the rally next weekend it was fun , i might go up there again tonight with the 22 yr old daughter and her terrano , its less than a mile away so wont take long but she is way more mental than me driving, and i love night laneing
she aint been out for a few weeks though so dieing to get out

i love it up there its miles and miles of tracks and mud
sounds good I am always out under dark with my 4x4 was a landrover 1956 now the terrano which has let me down at the moment but hey we will get there I always pick up wood were ever I go it pays off in the long run like now :wink: happy laneing
extreme-4x4 said:
am i the only one who has noticed the new member today. admin the site owner ? he has a 96 terrano ... announcement is imminent i guess

Ahh but the question I still want to know is do you think he or she knows the price of garden peas -rotfl-

Hey Wendy, you doin geese down there as well as Turkeys :?:

I've often fanced a goose instead of turkey for Christmas just to taste the difference.

She's a tired little puppy tonight, she missed most of her naps today so zonked out on my wifes knees. She's been full of mischeif today, you name it and shes had a good go at eating it :lol:

jims-terrano said:
Hey Wendy, you doin geese down there as well as Turkeys :?:

I've often fanced a goose instead of turkey for Christmas just to taste the difference.

You will have to come up for a cooking day bring the caravan or we have one here you can use with awning .
Goose Turkey ummm Goose english turkey american ummm

Both good if cooked right Yes we do goose but its wild they fly over our field every day and we feed them if we want one we shoot one. The best.
willow said:
jims-terrano said:
Hey Wendy, you doin geese down there as well as Turkeys :?:

I've often fanced a goose instead of turkey for Christmas just to taste the difference.

You will have to come up for a cooking day bring the caravan or we have one here you can use with awning .
Goose Turkey ummm Goose english turkey american ummm

Both good if cooked right Yes we do goose but its wild they fly over our field every day and we feed them if we want one we shoot one. The best.

Sounds like a good life to me :smile:

Anyone watchin Billy's World Tour Of OZ on Dave, crackin

jims-terrano said:
willow said:
jims-terrano said:
Hey Wendy, you doin geese down there as well as Turkeys :?:

I've often fanced a goose instead of turkey for Christmas just to taste the difference.

You will have to come up for a cooking day bring the caravan or we have one here you can use with awning .
Goose Turkey ummm Goose english turkey american ummm

Both good if cooked right Yes we do goose but its wild they fly over our field every day and we feed them if we want one we shoot one. The best.

Sounds like a good life to me :smile:

Anyone watchin Billy's World Tour Of OZ on Dave, crackin

extreme-4x4 said:
am i the only one who has noticed the new member today. admin the site owner ? he has a 96 terrano ... announcement is imminent i guess
Ok but just wait and see no way are we going to have any say in the matter :smile: so let see fingers crossed we will all be here having a chat and thanks from me to Mav and admin for the time I have had here.
oh it dont really matter who it is, the person who told me it was them has now said its not... so could be anyone.

im just curious now .... its like waiting for santa to arrive

i have sent mav my best wishes and he did my avatar for me so im dead chuffed... you should have asked him quick before its too late wendy
extreme-4x4 said:
oh it dont really matter who it is, the person who told me it was them has now said its not... so could be anyone.

im just curious now .... its like waiting for santa to arrive

i have sent mav my best wishes and he did my avatar for me so im dead chuffed... you should have asked him quick before its too late wendy
I may well do that thanks :wink:
Are we still serving? I'll have a vodak... make that a treble
Bat21 said:
Are we still serving? I'll have a vodak... make that a treble
Hello you
Should i be saying last orders well lets see im a late starter i only have a few got the day off tomorrow one for the road then :smile:
Whay you up to :?:
willow said:
Hello you
Should i be saying last orders well lets see im a late starter i only have a few got the day off tomorrow one for the road then :smile:
Whay you up to :?:
Last orders.... can we not have a lock in? there's hours to go yet
Bat21 said:
willow said:
Hello you
Should i be saying last orders well lets see im a late starter i only have a few got the day off tomorrow one for the road then :smile:
Whay you up to :?:
Last orders.... can we not have a lock in? there's hours to go yet
Depends if your entertaining yes :lol: So tell me about your self :smile: