just had the motor mapped, a place right by my work in birmingham city centre done it and wow, it pulls really really well now and i barely have to touch the throttle for normal driving, it feels so much more responsive and smoother, and did i mention it pulls really really well, lol.
Very happy now because in the last week ive changed the noisy box for a good low mileage one and its as quiet as a mouse, changed the lsd oil so it no longer spins me out round corners and had it mapped. I cant wait to get my 26ft 1750kg twin axle caravan on the back and see how it gets on
I could be wrong but I think the 2.7's are more mechanical tuning for power (bit like the old pug 306 1.9 engines), the 3.0 (what I have) is more electronic / ecu tuning like a rema and tuning boxes.
Someone more experienced with a 2.7 will be along shortly though I'm sure
screw the PM make it local knowledge :naughty...
Don't give any more power to Alex...:doh
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