Anti Roll bar bush or balancing?

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Dec 15, 2011
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Hey chaps
Had 4 x 265 75 16 BFG AT (part worn) fitted today and when the fella was balancing the tyres he was using a Static balancer which i've never seen before but he assured me they are 'just as good' as electronic balancers. Driving home I got to about 60mph and the steering wheel is going bananas. So went back and asked him to check the balance. He jacked up and had a look under and spotted the n/s anti roll bar bush was shot at, which gave quite a bit of sideways play in the wheel and also a bit of top/bottom wheel bearing play when rocked.

It didn't shake the wheel like that before the tyre change. Unless the bigger tyres have made it more pronounced. What ya reckon? is it easy enough to replace an arb bush?
anti roll bar bush drop links or anything else to do with the ARB will not lead to play in the wheel, side ways play could be track rod ends, and a little slack in the wheel bearing is not going to do much, bigger tyres are always going to load the components more but I reckon the balancing method is crap, Rick
ARB bushes shot, so what , he's talking ballox :eek:
Track rod end will give play but nothing to do with wheel wobble :doh
Bearing again will smooth out at speed.
So what could it be ? think, think, erm, maybe possibly , just a thought, but have you tried getting them balanced :lol
thanks fellas I must admit when I got there I saw the tyre machine and was looking round for the balancer :nenau and then I saw him put the wheel on this er thing... well it was basically a spirit level on a pin, and the weights would be added until the bubble was in the middle, more racks eye than anything.

Tyres fit fine and look so much better, they just rubbed the front mudflaps when on lock, so when I got home I had a look and just cut a bit off the inside edge of each flap, easy to cut with a decent steak knife :D New ones would have alot more tread but I think they will still be fine.
only lift that I did was to wind the torsion bars to a decent height because it had sagged. I dont know how much exactly just till it looked right.
My arb bushes are normally shot from one mot to another with no effects. Polybushed them last time and they seem to be lasting. :)
This is how they were balanced. Static. An electronic balancer is Dynamic, which will balance while the wheel is in motion... sounds like a good idea for a car... I just read up on it on wikipedia

Wont be going back there.

Hmm can't see that being any good. Think id rather pay to have them done properly

Stinka is running with now ARB's at all front or back and I haven't heard him have this problem

Whenever I've had a shakey wheel at high speeds it's usually been balancing or wheel bearing

Go with Balancing first as thats the cheapest and easiest
i agree with most even with one arb link off, it does wiggle but doesn't cause the wheel itself to wobble, i'd say bearing or balance & considering that the tyres have just been change & supposedly balance i'd check that 1st but even that unless extreme as it shouldn't cause wheel to move much either top & bottom or left to right but a shoot bearing would.
double check wheel nuts as i've had that happen! damn twat only put nuts on finger tight!! :eek:
Just seen the static balance vid, what a totally useless method, there is nothing to tell where to put the weights inside or outside on the rim, it is worse than useless, Rick
Front wheels are now balanced. one was 100 135 the other 90 120 or in the words of the tyre fitter a fo**kin mile out. Was more balanced without any weights at all :eek:
I'll get the rears done another day as they aren't too bad but I can feel a bit of somethng coming through the body. I've spent enough this week.

Thanks fellas/ :thumb2