Another success thanks to the forum

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Hi guys, just thought i would post this to say thank you to the forum and its members for the constant supply of help and advice.

Today i finally got round to sorting out my leaking clutch damper pipe.
I had previously tried to "crimp" the pipe to try and stop it from leaking, which seemed to work for a short while.

Anyway, decided to sort it, so removed the pipe from the front to back and took the pipe to my local Pirtek who put me a compression joint on the end of the shortened pipe, which only cost me a couple of quid.

Fitted the stubby pipe back on, bled the system and hey presto its working like a proper clutch should with no leaks and the pedal rising as it should.

So once again a big thank you, if it wasnt for seeing it on here i would never have known, or i would have replaced the whole pipe...

Cheers all
Fitted the stubby pipe back on, bled the system and hey presto its working like a proper clutch should with no leaks and the pedal rising as it should.

So how long is the bit of pipe you have left? I take it the block at the end, with the bleed nipple in, unbolts and you could then re fit that onto the new compression fitting. Did you just leave it on the end of the pipe, or somehow re bolt it back onto something? Sorry for asking a dumb question, but I could not see the end of mine properly when I was under the car.
Hi thanks for the reply.

the pipe was about 2 inch long with a small compression fitting on the end to blank it off.

I did try and retrieve the block above the back axle with the bleed nipple on but it was totally sh*gged, so i binned it.

I thought i may have had trouble bleeding it, but no it all worked fine.

if i get chance tomorrow i will crawl under and take a snap of the part.

Thanks, I would be grateful

My Clutch peddle keeps staying down a bit, and I have to lift it with my toe. I found the flexible pipe was leaking, and changed that and the slave at the same time. Everything was fine for a few days, but it has started again, although no where near as bad as it was before. I have already done the bushes in the peddle, and the Master looks pretty new, so may have been changed but the previous owner. Only the pipe to try now.:D
I blanked mine by putting a suitable ball bearing under the coupling at the flex hose 3 way block. No problems.
Hi all, just thought, whilst i was under my truck i would take a quick snap of the pipe.
Hi all, just thought, whilst i was under my truck i would take a quick snap of the pipe.

Hi, just reading through this thread and was wondering if you'd know offhand what the outside diameter of the pipe was? Cheers,
I just though, i would jump on this thread.My clutch woes were,and still to some extent.Clutch pedal sag/droop.Ordered new bush,from a thread on here.Fitted said bush.Master cylinder leaking.I have replaced that.Leaking flexi hose.I now have the replacement hose and block.I have bought a plug to block off on the block the damper pipe.
Just need some time to fit the new flexi hose/block/Damper plug.The strange thing is all of these problems arose within ten days.Talk about coincidence?