another newbie , please be gentle im a nissan virgin

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Mar 11, 2010
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hiya folks , ive just aquired a 1996 nissan mistral 2.7 td auto ( lwb ) , it drives absolutely superb , any advice or recommendations ? its done 80,000 miles and been serviced regularly , nice to join you , and i hope to meet some of you at meetings / rallies etc , regards , pete
Welcome to the club Pete, there are a lot of members who are willing to help with any advice you need to keep your motor going !,
I have had my Mistral for 4 years and it has been a great motor !
thankyou very much for the lovely welcome ,i bought the mistral because im disabled after a stroke and needed a reliable automatic which could take my electric wheelchair ( not scooter ) , also the grandkids on a trip out , on first impression its a lovely vehicle , it says its a eight seater , but to be honest i cant see how , many thanks for your wishes ( do i get a club sticker for the .car ? haha ) regards . pete
Hi Pete, welcome to the club! Glad you like your Mistral! as for advice etc, so long as everythngs nicely serviced and so on you should be fine. Just ensure during the next servcies the correct oils are used, especially for the diffs, and if they change the filter, grab a K&N, its not boy racerish, but it does have some excellent benefits for these engines.

Im in Huddersfield also, it will be nice to meet you one day hopefully at some sort of off road venture, you never know!

take care fella!
my first experience

im very dissapointed , i had test drove the mistral for about 30 mins ,it drove beautifully ,so i went back to pay for it (bought it on e bay ) and happily drove it away , it was a beautufull looking vehicle , however .....i drove from my home in brighouse to leeds ( a distance of about 20 miles on the motorway ) the car started to jerk and wasnt going very fast although the engine was revving quite well , i had to stop on the hard shoulder and call the rac , the patrolman said it was something called a torque converter that has gone, and was very expensive to fix , as i had spent every penny i had on buying this car, a bill in excess of £800 is not a option , so i am now carless and the car is parked up untill i can afford to repair it, is this a common fault ? and would the seller have known about this ? , HELP !!! kind regards , pete .
Hi Pete, sorry to here of your problems but I have to say that is very unusual. Never hear of the TC breaking down before? I'd be getting a second opinion if I were you mate.
What sprung to mind was air in the fuel system? do you know if it's been serviced recently? cheaper fuel filters seem to leak air into the system. You may also got some smoke with this problem too.
If it is the TC that has a problem it may well be worth getting the oil's changed.
You'll get a few replies on here and I'll bet there will be more than me saying get a second opinion. These trucks are almost bullet proof. Get it fixed and drive through the Ford at the bottom of Thornhills Lane, that'll put the smile back on ya face:thumbs


PS don't lose heart so early
Commiserations :(
I'm also in the process of trying to sort out hidden gremlins in a car I bought privately via autrader a couple of weeks or so back. It also looked good & drove well on 2 long test drives.........
I have moments of feeling pissed off but I guess "these things are sent to try us", "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" etc etc.

Torque converter? Must be an auto then. No idea about replacement items but on Mercedes auto boxes, a change of AT fluid can work wonders.

Best of luck with it

Just had a thought after reading Ian Hunt's thread. Look in the downloads section via Quick Links, there is a workshop about the Banjo Mini Filter. I'm pretty sure yours has one and may well be a cause of fuel starvation.

thanks for the replies , but just before it came to a stop , it felt like the clutch was slipping .. even though its a automatic ,eventually the engine was revving happily and sounded good , but wasnt going anywhere , kind regards and thanks , pete .
Still need a second opinion though. A change of fluid is worth a try. Do you have any come back at all?
Contact Ebay perhaps?

Like I said very unusual as these motors are good.

it just sounds like you are having similar problems as the rest of us, an dyes, the seller was bound to hav eknown, regardless of your test drive, as an example, i am having major issues with mine, and all through repairing it this year, i was having little test drives to see if i fixed one issue, seemingly I had, then something else would turn up, anyway, i realised the other day I wasnt drivign it for long enough, or hard enough, for the problems to materialise, hence yourissues turning up after 20 miles of harder driving. these sorts of issues develop, i have found, they dont just turn up. this is probably why the chap has sold the car, hes lucky the test drives went ok.

I don tknow automatics, so dont know what a torque converter is BUT it seems to me that your problem has come about after the engine is properly warmed up, which is what happens to me, jerky jerky then stall. You seriously need to read the codes BEFORE taking to a garage, I bet you have a couple or more codes on there relating to this issue, and I wouldnt be surprised if its the ckp sensor.

reading the codes is not hard or complicated, you just need a paper clip and you can do it from the drivers seat. Get that done FIRST job, and come back to us.

this is bad luck mate, but listen, its worth saving, and with help from us lot, you can keep the costs low I am sure.

I just looked up torque converter, obviously an auto thing, when the cars cooled down, try it a again, go for a "test drive" and keep it local, see if it goes...get those codes read then....
oh, and by the way, to expand a bit on my previous comments, when i got my car just short of a year ago, it too test drove spot on. No codes nothing. Like you, when I go tit home, my problems began to develop, and I have since got most fixed, just three more annoying codes faults to fix then done. The times that my Maverick has worked, its been awesome, and I love it, these are old cars now, but all you do is replace the old bits and its new again!
just noticed , besides the overdrive button on the gear selector , there is a little red plastic thing attached to the front of the gear selector , that appears to push a switch , ive tried pushing it , but nothing seems to happen ?