An apology and explanation

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
i feel i owe the club a apology , because , as hard as i try i just cannot find the words that express my gratitude enough for your actions and help , also i fear i need to explain exactly my disability .

i have a inherited disease which makes arteries collapse , thereby bringing on strokes / heart attacks ..... to date ive had 3 heart attacks , many other heart problems , 3 strokes , and 2 t.i.a's , as im sure you are aware this has had a major impact on my life , mainly mobility and speech ,the last stroke in october ) left me virtually unable to walk , although due to itensive physiotherapy since , i have regained some ability , but i need to use a electric wheelchair with a joystick as my left arm is very weak .this is why i needed a automatic car , because i cannot depress the clutch pedal on a manual , as for a mobility car . all the cars i was offered would not accomodate my electric wheelchair ,unless i paid a huge amount for a specialist vehicle ,i was beginning to adjust to life with my problems and accepting that these things happen .after my last stroke i had to undergo tests to determine my suitability and capability to drive , one of which was a field vision test ( in which i passed with 96%)...... i hope this makes things clearer for you all as i consider you all part of my family , again i aplogise because i cant find words that express my gratitude for your help .

many thanks and kind regards

pete .
No apologies required. Sorry to hear about the illness. In fact in this day and age it is good to see a fighter, a man who does not take a challange or set back sitting down if you will excuse the pun. Think a lot of us here are encouraged by your willingness to have a go and annoyed by you getting a bad deal and only wish we could have helped out a bit more. Besides, think a lot of the members here would love to see your satisfaction when you sit behind the wheel of a properly running Terrano/Maverick and give it a bit of stick.
No apologies required. Sorry to hear about the illness. In fact in this day and age it is good to see a fighter, a man who does not take a challange or set back sitting down if you will excuse the pun. Think a lot of us here are encouraged by your willingness to have a go and annoyed by you getting a bad deal and only wish we could have helped out a bit more. Besides, think a lot of the members here would love to see your satisfaction when you sit behind the wheel of a properly running Terrano/Maverick and give it a bit of stick.

Just what i wanted to say. good luck and as we use to say in sixties "keep on truckin'"
Regards and best wishes
No worries there Briggie, now to get your truck fixed.......:thumb2
no need to apologies Pete, I am sure everyone will agree! This is an immense club, I cant get over it, everyone is so helpful, so interested; and so patient! Its a pleasure to be a member, and its a pleasure to help you out mate. What has happened to you deserves a positive response, so lets make the most of it!

sorry to hear about your health issue, you must be a tough 'un, so keep it up!
No need for apology. You had a problem, we stepped in to help a bit. Simple. :D

As for your heriditary disorder, I have a feeling your coping better than most. Sterling example to the whingers out there.
No worries briggie and your attidude to life should be applauded

Hi Briggie

you have no need to explain yourself or your situation.

We all took what you said at face value and we accepted that as the truth.

Nothing has changed,

We all know that you appreciate the gesture and we were all happy to contribute, even it was purely moral support.

You have a terrific attitude to life, maybe some of us could learn from that.

In my personal group of friends we are all staunch with each other and i know its corny - we never leave a man down or behind.

Anyway thats enough sentiment were not american

good luck mate, hope to meet you one day :thumb2 :thumb2 :clap :clap

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Hey Briggie,
I have yet to make my donation as I am awaiting some funds to clear in my paypal account however rest assured I certainly will be!
You remind me of my father. He had a completely different disability (MS) but was also pretty much wheel chair bound. He was a fighter and saw his car as "his legs" and independance. I think its fantastic that a collective can come together and help someone in an awkward situation that is not their fault, but brought about by a crook and a con-man.
With regards said crook, I think there is one small thing we can all do which may be a little annoying to him... I sell a lot on Ebay myself and they have changed the rules so that sellers can only leave "positive" feedback and not negative. As a buyer you have much more rights than as a seller so heres what I propose...
When the crook lists a car, someone bids a high amount that will make certain they win the auction or "buy it now". The seller then gets charged around 6% of the final value fee (cant get out of that) then the buyer simply refuses to buy the item and claims "item significantly not as described" leaves a negative feedback for him and Ebay will not touch the buyer for this.
So Mr crook ends up with a negative feedback, an Ebay bill for the sale and the joy of still owning his junk... :thumbs
I have just noticed the fund raising has now closed, I didnt make it back online in time! :(
Is there anyway I can still make a donation, or be of assistance in any way? I own a small parts company if that can be of use in any way :thumb2
some good ideas there Mr Mucky, i might have a bash when Pete is sorted, cause that con-man some aggro.
I have just noticed the fund raising has now closed, I didnt make it back online in time! :(
Is there anyway I can still make a donation, or be of assistance in any way? I own a small parts company if that can be of use in any way :thumb2

PM Bat21.. tell him what you want to do..

as i understand it, you can if your quick.... well some added there bit in yesturday, no harm in trying..