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just if someone else picks up this thread, I have a wide banded ft 7800
which doesn't have the dual display, but all the buttons and nobs and mic input buttons illuminate, great for night use. apart from the ft 857 above the others don't.
I had this in my trooper, now in my terrano with front seperation kit and ext speaker, real tidy job,
if anyone interested, i can post pics.
Nah m8 not yet, just bragging about it really. :lol:
jims-terrano said:
Nothing to be ashamed about using CB, it still has it's uses such as GL. I have to admit the last time I heard one it seemed to be full of swearing local yobs, I guess it is the reason why some people dislike it.

Jim T

Yes this puts me off using it too. I have in the past asked people who are are having one of their "intellectual" conversations if they wouldnt mind switching from ch 19 so that other people could use the "Breaking" channel for it's proper purpose only to be met with a tirade of abuse.
I don't think you will ever get CB civilised and free of idiots. The one thing about using it for GL's is that normally it is very short distances between users and it is out of range of the idiots.
You also get a few but thankfully not as many idiots on Ham frequencies too.

Jim T
cosmic said:
DJ38 said:
Nah m8 not yet, just bragging about it really. :lol:

No harm in trying :wink: :lol: :lol:

Hey guy's just called LAM to ask about an 857 that was supposed to be coming in today. Yaesu radios are now in short supply. Motorola bought Yaesu sometime ago now but in a cost cutting way of forcing up prices they are starting to manufacture each order rather than keeping stock in the new year. so they are now running down stocks. I guess if your in the market or soon will be it might be a good idea to buy now.

Jim T
I have a brand spanking ft 857d boxed and stashed under my bed, as soon as I can get my building work complete,and keep the missus quiet, then I'll be building a new shack.
I'll be asking advice about a long wire antenna and atu.
Ham's are coming out of the closset by the day. at this rate RBRT will feel left out and take the plunge.

Jim T
heard that!

yep keep scanning this thread for some reason, and not for mod purposes.

go on then what will it cost me to get started and where, if only for another
twig on truck!
For a hand held as little as £30 - £40, for an in car rig with mount and aerial to do 70cm and 2m you could probably do it new for under £200, less used.

Of course you'll need a icense but thats fairly straight forward. Book is a few quid, £4 rings a bell but might be wrong, exam is about £20 IIRC and you'll need to find a club that is running a course, should only be about 8hrs worth and tbh if you have any electrics background and understand V=IR (for instance) you'll find it fairly straightforward. You need to do a course as you have to do a practical session on a radio and demostrate an understanding of morse, which in real terms means send and recive 2 or 3 words of morse as slowly as necessary using a cheat sheet - so anyone can do it.
By your self a small booklet called Foundation Now, I think Lee at this company will sell one if not point you in the right direction

I'll find out when we are next running a course and the cost, our course runs over two weekends inc the exam. I'm pretty sure one of the Sheffield clubs will also run courses too.

PM me or HB for as much info as you need.

Jim T
Need to get myself a better set up for the car and house sometime!! :wink: :lol:
jims-terrano said:
By your self a small booklet called Foundation Now, I think Lee at this company will sell one if not point you in the right direction

Lee certainly had them in last time I was in LAM but if you'd like to borrow mine for a look rbrt PM em your address and I'll pop it in the post, I really ought to get the next one anyway and start swatting up for my intermeadiate.

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