whats up. more trouble lol.
dont come here much now, its not what it used to be
the site has really taken a dive for the worst , its lacking tolerance and respect for one another, and leadership
i dont get the need for constant political/ racial threads . if i wanted that shite id buy the sun or daily sport,
but having spent much time looking into those subjects, i fail to see how anyone talking about political or racial problems or grievances has any hope of making any positive changes to society from a nissan 4x4 forum. and in the faintest possibility that any of the righties who continue to post garbage on here ... would anyone actually follow such a person or persons
i mean the ones who post about scroungers and illegals etc. seem to post throughout the day on a regular basis. often more than i could have managed to post when i was unemployed. others are less discreet about it and while moaning about scroungers confess to claiming or not paying there way
so for me, all that garbage on here .... no thanks
but it was a real treasure knowing the genuine friends i made here, and life changing getting to know the non genuine few that sometimes hide in the background stirring.
thank you all :thumbs