al-ko tow hitch

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thats it winterhoff, cheers.

cant do spacers it a 4 bolt witter.

alko alternative lever is only for 2004 model
not 2700 :cry:

the spares in the boot, or in garage when 3rd
row seats needed.

noticed tonight, and yes came straight off when
compressed slightly that hitch only twists few
degrees left or right. perhaps when unhitching
in rough ground of back garden this restricts
release? with such limited 'roll' wondering if
strain possible in extreme ground.
PLANK said:
I think andrewK and i have covered this before, but i am also not convinced that the alko hitch actualy does a lot to improve stability!

I've probably said this in another post - but on a couple of occasions now, I've forgotten to press the Alko stabiliser handle down after removing a hitchlock that I fitted whilst parked at the motorway services. It's actually quite easy to forget if you remove the hitchlock and then put it in the rear footwell on the drivers side - then just get in the drivers seat and away you go.

Last time, I drove over 100 miles down the motorway with no effective stabiliser and didn't notice any difference to towing behaviour. (The outfit was a MKIV LWB Isuzu Trooper Citation towing a Burstner S500TS caravan (1500kg MTPLM).

I've probably also pointed folks before to the research carried out at Bath Uni on this too. See: - but just in case. :smile:

i have just checked the link and it is 71 pages long! and i have the attention span of a goldfish :lol: :lol: (interesting but research at plymouth uni suggests goldfish are fairly intelligent and can recognnise shapes colours and even tell the time!)

have you a condensed version, do they think alok stabalisers are 'pants' or what? :lol:
PLANK said:
have you a condensed version, do they think alok stabalisers are 'pants' or what? :lol:

You only really need to read the executive summary which is at the front and much shorter. However ............

The bottom line is that the research shows that stabilisers significantly reduce the small oscillations that affect towing comfort but have no effect on larger oscillations that might become full blown snakes. They can neither prevent snakes nor do they assist in recovering from one. They do not increase the road speed at which a combination will become unstable. Yes, the report says that stabilisers are pants.

I have heard that the Bath research was the trigger for Alko to develop the ATC (Alko Trailer Control) see:

My worry has always been that drivers may have an unwarranted confidence that a stabiliser is going somehow prevent snaking and then drive faster because they feel safer. The research reinforces my worry - and I think the development of ATC just might be a recognition from Alko that stabilisers really are pants - OTOH, it might just be another money making scam.

AndrewK is doesnt happen often but i agree with you, there is no substitute for a correctly set up and loaded towing combination as we have discussed before.

I have never been keen on stabalisers of any brand or description, i have 3 or 4 bulldog blade type systems in my shed that are going for scrap before the end of the week unless some one wants to collect!
We do a lot of caravaning, at home and abroad three to four months each year since I retired seven years ago. We have a 12ft caravan and I used to have a blade type damper. which i found a nuisance having to remove before reversing, noisy and when the plastic blade holder snapped for the forth time I removed it. Because there are only the two of us we have lots of room in the car so we carry nothing in the caravan that isnt part of living in the van, we just open the door and walk in. when I see the stuff that is brought out of some vans it makes me sweat. Any caravans that I have seen destroyed have been on down hill situations and I think that it is most important that the outfit is slowed on downhill sections and not allowed to run away. I dont have an alko stabilizer so have no trouble connecting even with two bikes fitted to a custom made bike rack on the spare wheel. I like a near max nose weight. regards.....bri
good points wildbri, i see some junk being hauled from some caravans, its a wonder where they put it all! we travel with people in the car and the caravan contents in the cupboards not all over the place, so the caravan is usable.

I think though for many who have to keep the caravan in stoarage and take all their possesion to an from the storage facility this may be difficult, bu the amount of stufff people cart around for even short breaks and weekends amazes me.

deep fat fryer
satalite dish
3 or 4 water porters
etc etc,

where (and why) do they put it all?

I like to be able to pull up wind the legs down and thats it! job done!
PLANK said:
I think though for many who have to keep the caravan in stoarage and take all their possesion to an from the storage facility this may be difficult, bu the amount of stufff people cart around for even short breaks and weekends amazes me.

deep fat fryer
satalite dish
3 or 4 water porters
etc etc,

We keep ours in storage - and only take one of those away with us - the satellite dish, which is stored in the gas locker anyway (fastened to the spare wheel). We did once take a couple of bicycles. The oddest thing we've ever taken is probably a bread maker. :smile:

this year I fitted an on board water tank in the front locker, its great I can adjust the nose weight with some water and there is always water on tap and no groveling to connect or fill up, just use a watering can with two trips to the tap. I realize how lucky I am because my van is in the garden with the electric on, we sometime us it has a bed room and I can often be found having an afternoon siesta or listing the radio in peace...bri
wildbri a man after my own heart! mine is in the garden and just an extra room of the house too! Great for a bit of peice and quiet!
Brink 4 pin tow hitch

hi ive the Brink 4 pin tow hitch on my T2 us to tow my baily caravan i dont have any stabiliser at all. ive not had any trouble or wobble..

but do you i should have some?/

I too have the Brink 4 hole ball, I made a plate to fit a blade type stabilizer, but as posted have removed it. Loading and speed are the answer....regards...bri

I have a brinks towbracket with the 4 holes and have no problem with attaching the alko hitch with the spare wheel and stainless cover in place.


hi have just boght a 05 terrano having sold my 99 model when i wanted to put alko hitch onto car had to always have door open even fitted a spacer between towbar and ball but still no good.does the brink towbar stick out further as need a towbar for new terrano?
ive a NISSAN one with 4 botls, not got an alko hitch. not sure you can get them with 4 bolts.


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