al-ko tow hitch

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jace said:
good on izuzy on there 3l recall our local dealer was full of em

They replaced the injectors FoC on every Trooper in the UK with the Euro2 3.0D engine over a 2 year program. Mine had already done 100K miles when the new injectors were fitted.

jace said:
more than nissan are doing there still denying the problem using every trick in book to wriggle outve warranty 1k over service sorry sir warranty void!

I didn't know there was a problem with the Navara engine. I knew about the early 3.0Di Patrol engines melting pistons.

Isuzu owners had a big problem for several years. Isuzu didn't accept liability either. It was Caterpillar who designed the injectors and funded the recall costs. It was only after Caterpillar accepted liability that Isuzu arranged the recall - which, AFAIK, has completely fixed the problem.

PLANK said:
just pointing out a simple factbased on experience

I always thought it was opinion that was based on experience - not fact. My opinion appears to be different from yours, because it is based upon different experiences. It is based upon towing the same caravan with a number of different vehicles including an Isuzu Trooper, all of which were new (or almost in the Troopers case) when they first towed the van - so the caravan was a constant and differences in towing behaviour were down to the towcar only. The towcars were all serviced by franchised main dealers irrespective of cost (three of the towcars were company cars) and in two cases had shock absorbers changed (inc the Trooper) when needed.

My opinion, FWIW, is based upon samples of the towcars known to be in good condition. On that basis, a MKIV Trooper is an excellent towcar and IMHO is not likely to be significantly beaten by any other passenger car that I am aware of or ever likely to own. Having said that, the Patrol seems good too - but I've only towed with it a couple of times, so I'm not sure yet quite how good.

Have fun
oh yes navaras even the latest ones have had numerous faults the enginge letting go at low milages is denied at all costs,my trucks engine was rebuilt by nissan with 4 new pistons at cost of over two grand with 43k on the clock! im dreading the odometer hitting 86k lol
jace said:
oh yes navaras even the latest ones have had numerous faults the enginge letting go at low milages is denied at all costs,my trucks engine was rebuilt by nissan with 4 new pistons at cost of over two grand with 43k on the clock! im dreading the odometer hitting 86k lol

The Trooper's mode of failure was quite different. The problem was that the seals in the injectors were inclined to fail. When they did, diesel just ran uncontrolled into the combustion chambers - and the engine just revved until it bust. Switching the engine off had no effect and it usually wasn't possible to stall it before it expired, even if you realised what was happening.

One of the changes in the 3.0Di Patrol engine, intended to fix it's provclivity for melting pistons, was an increase in the engine oil capacity & size of the sump by a couple of litres. Guess what - Westway Nissan at Stockport, when they serviced the Patrol that I bought from them (before delivery), put two litres too little engine oil in when they changed it. It wasn't even showing on the dipstick. I think you'd be right if you were to surmise that they won't be servicing it again!!

So, some Nissan engines are a bit delicate and sometimes blow up. If they don't blow up, their franchise dealers will do their best to make them do. Oh .......... was it really such a good idea to buy a Nissan?

Mmmm ......... I'll let you know in due course, but at the moment, I'm still very positive about the Patrol.

it aint nissan anymore its reno and lot navara fellas saying theres the down fall cost cutting to try recoup there outlay and streamline the buisness,even so d still buy nissan there more powerfull than anything else out there!
andrewk said:
PLANK said:
just pointing out a simple factbased on experience

I always thought it was opinion that was based on experience - not fact. My opinion appears to be different from yours, because it is based upon different experiences. It is based upon towing the same caravan with a number of different vehicles including an Isuzu Trooper, all of which were new (or almost in the Troopers case) when they first towed the van - so the caravan was a constant and differences in towing behaviour were down to the towcar only. The towcars were all serviced by franchised main dealers irrespective of cost (three of the towcars were company cars) and in two cases had shock absorbers changed (inc the Trooper) when needed.

My opinion, FWIW, is based upon samples of the towcars known to be in good condition. On that basis, a MKIV Trooper is an excellent towcar and IMHO is not likely to be significantly beaten by any other passenger car that I am aware of or ever likely to own. Having said that, the Patrol seems good too - but I've only towed with it a couple of times, so I'm not sure yet quite how good.

Have fun

Andrew, i dont know why you keep up with the wordy reoplies, my opinion of late troopers was simply this, I wasn't prepared to take a chance on one so never owned one, simple as that! and your based on it being yours and your bought brand new pride and joy, which is fair enough!

I was simply pointiong put this fact ot others as there does seem to be a miscinception regarding 4x4's and caravans! Not a personal attack on you or your troper which i am sure was fantastic as were all the others so no need to be so defensive!

despite this generaly speaking, 4x4's are not neccesarily the best and most stable towing vehicles for towing caravans, a fact backed by my experience the experience of many others and virtualy all tests done be caravan and camping club, caravan club etc. As basicalyy they were designed for off road driving with big ground clearance and suspension articulation, bouncy tyres andsuspension for soaking up off road bumps. the caravan was not! and doesnt sit as comfortably behind many 4x4's as it does behind many other vehicles.

4x4's fpr towing caravans have become more popular in recent years and caravans size to weight ratio has reduced, and there are more diffferent makes of stabilisers on the market than ever! I wonder why?

I would say most members here have older cars that have not had main dealer service histories (though who checked the oil wouldnt affect towing would it?) and probably oder caravans to go with them, and many are first time caravaners or new to 4x4 towing. The other group is those who have never towed with anything else so can't compare.

sensibly approached most cars can tow most caravans adequately, but all have their own charecteristics as do caravans, The Lunar you pointed out is a good example, they have allways been very stable caravans despite being some of the lightest on the market, however do suffer a bit from the dreaded damp! but everythng is a compromises just like a 4x4 realy, dont you think?

on road ability compromised by off road ability and visa versa? and this compromise also shows when towing! paticulary towing a caravan.
jace said:
it aint nissan anymore its reno and lot navara fellas saying theres the down fall cost cutting to try recoup there outlay and streamline the buisness,even so d still buy nissan there more powerfull than anything else out there!

If you are into pickups, the 3.0D Isuzu Rodeo Denver double-cab is supposed to be the business (different engne - not from the Trooper) - at least, the mags say it's the most car-like of the pickups. I had an automatic one for a day as a courtesy car when the Trooper was in for service. It was ......... not very good. Slow, very noisy, small (inside), poor ride and rather uncomfortable.

PLANK said:
The Lunar you pointed out is a good example, they have allways been very stable caravans despite being some of the lightest on the market, however do suffer a bit from the dreaded damp!

Mine certainly did.


(short reply)

getting back to the original post, (seems a long time ago) and having visited ALKO stand at the NEC last wed the alko rep said it was really a precautonary measure to get people to check various measurements for clearance's between bottom of alko hitch against brinks 4 hole ball and not a compulsory order to change 4hole brinks to a 2hole alko ball.

Hi all
The original post regarding the Brink four bolt tow plates not being OK for al ko hitches concerned me a bit as my Terrano tows a big caravan with Al Ko hitch. I therefore sent photos of my four bolt kit in situ on the vehicle to Al Ko and requested a definitive answer, they replied very promptly and have told me that the said tow bracket is not suitable. A local towing company have also told me that there is no components that can be bought as an approved add on that will make the Brinks 4 bolt OK to use. I am sure there are many miles being covered perhaps without problems but I am changing mine to be safe.
Regards to all
i must say i have struggled to find this 4 bolt to 2 bolt

just done about 600 miles towing in 2 weeks with the
alko 2700 on the brink/witter 4 bolt no problem.

mind not had spare on back door which certainly eases
connecting up and unhitching.

sometimes used to get a situation where caravan wouldnt
come off car easily, maybe stabiliser lever wasnt fully up
as would foul on spare.

for record father in law has what i believe is alko ball
on his scenic and alko 1300 on van, my father also
runs a 2700 but has a gold ball on his pug 406 is this
any different to an alko ball.

my long term plan is to redesign the tow bracket to a
receiver system, which will then use a 2 bolt but not
an alko but a ball/jaw combo so where to these fit into
alko's way of thinking....
rbrt said:
an alko but a ball/jaw combo so where to these fit into
alko's way of thinking....

The problem with any ball other than the Alko (so far as I know) is that the Alko hitch is bulky and can foul the sides of the towball assembly in circumstances where either the towcar or caravan are on a side-slope and hence the caravan hitch is rotated around the ball. The Alko ball has a taller and narrower neck to prevent that happening. I used to use an African Hoe 3500kg combination ball/pin on an Isuzu Trooper I had without any problem - but it could, theoretically, have fallen foul of the problem that Alko highlight in the technical note about towballs on their website - as I suspect will any of the other combos.

The problem with any ball other than the Alko (so far as I know) is that the Alko hitch is bulky and can foul the sides of the towball assembly in circumstances where either the towcar or caravan are on a side-slope and hence the caravan hitch is rotated around the ball. The Alko ball has a taller and narrower neck to prevent that happening.

so could this explain the alko hitches seemingly welding them selves on to to the ball or was it down to stabilizer lever not fully releasing?
rbrt said:
so could this explain the alko hitches seemingly welding them selves on to to the ball or was it down to stabilizer lever not fully releasing?

I have had this a lot with alko 'stabilising' (allegedly :wink: ) hitches, most dealers say its down to worn out pads in the hitch, or the wrong ball, but even with both in top order i often find it a struggle. I have found winding the jokey wheel down and then bouncing on the rear end of the car frees them.

I have a theory that there are moving parts in the hitch that need lubrication but the constant emphasis on degreasing everything in site makes them stick, what does every one else think?
PLANK said:
rbrt said:
so could this explain the alko hitches seemingly welding them selves on to to the ball or was it down to stabilizer lever not fully releasing?

I have had this a lot with alko 'stabilising' (allegedly :wink: ) hitches, most dealers say its down to worn out pads in the hitch, or the wrong ball, but even with both in top order i often find it a struggle. I have found winding the jokey wheel down and then bouncing on the rear end of the car frees them.

I have a theory that there are moving parts in the hitch that need lubrication but the constant emphasis on degreasing everything in site makes them stick, what does every one else think?

Times that this has been a problem for me tend to coincide with towing in the wet, and if the car & van are not mostly straight when tryiing to unhitch - had it happen from new, so the theory of worn pads or wrong ball just doesn't seem to fit in my cases from 3 years ago. Now, yes, worn pads could be an issue.
i have experienced this when wet and dry, and wehn in a perfect straight line! sometimes i helps to put the brakes on the caravan and the reverse the car and inch to compress the hitch head or pull it forwards a little if you have reversed into a space.

I think andrewK and i have covered this before, but i am also not convinced that the alko hitch actualy does a lot to improve stability!

I use the term caravan as oppoesd to van as if you are towing a caravan with a comercial vehicle they are then both vans and it gets a bit confusing :?
i too have reversed to remove pressure with varying results.

concern is with hitch compressed, once of ball can move forward
onto car with possible damage.

its bizarre, wonder if the other brand, name escapes me thats
blue handled has same issues. had wondered about changing
before as believe handle is set back and would foul spare wheel
though now its off the door probably wont bother.

will monitor it and if locks on again report back.
is it a winterhoff?

wel i have a couple of spacers in the tow bars on our vehicles to clear the door mounted wheels etc, but you can buy a 'stuby' handle for this purpose i believe they are about £25?

alternatively just take the silly theing off and put a proper hitch back on :wink:

I bet you wont notice the difference when towing!