air mass meter problems again

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Aug 24, 2010
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hi guys couldnt find answer anywhere i have a bosch maf think its gone as when engine running i am getting 1.8v from pin 5 or 2 cant remember but its the right pin as downloaded the work shop on air mass problem which says it should be around 2.2v i think does this point to the maf being faulty if so where is the cheapest place to buy gen bosch or how long do the copy 1s last like on ebay thanks for the replys in adavance
breakers is the best place, although ive heard gen nissan part is £40.00 for the bosch ones. so ring your local nissan place first
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breakers is the best place, although ive heard gen nissan part is £40.00 for the bosch ones. so ring your local nissan place first
my exeter nissan want over £100 more plus vat at around £155 +vat euro car parts want £136+vat what r the copys like on ebay do they last mine is bosch if any1 can get a bosch from nissan for around that price please let me no which nissan dealer thanks.
1.8 ish volts at tickover is fine, but you want a solid 4+v at full throttle over 2500rpm.

thing is when the air mass is pluged it wont pull very well when i unplug it goes much better will try and measnre at full throttle later and s if i get 4v thanks of the help everything is pointing at maf but dont want to buy 1 and find out its something else.:doh
MAF shoudl last years, youve just got an old duff one, very common on these trucks. get a new one, job done, dounds very much like a dodgy MAF, personally id forget checking voltages based on what you describe, and just fit a new one.
MAF shoudl last years, youve just got an old duff one, very common on these trucks. get a new one, job done, dounds very much like a dodgy MAF, personally id forget checking voltages based on what you describe, and just fit a new one.

sorry guy just got back from a ploughing match will order that maf to nite thanks for the help.
Have you tired cleaning your old one ? I can't remember the exact description of how they work but as I recall they are basically a thermometer, and that cleaning the metal bits that hang in the airflow could help. :nenau
Have you tired cleaning your old one ? I can't remember the exact description of how they work but as I recall they are basically a thermometer, and that cleaning the metal bits that hang in the airflow could help. :nenau
to clean it do people mean take the sensor out of the plastic tube with the two screws then squirt with contact cleaner as i dont have the right torks see my screw have bits in the middle so my torks wont fit sorry bout the bad spelling:doh
you just unplug it, undo the two screws using a screw driver, and remove it. this will reveal a tube, inside the tube will be two tiny wires, VERY carefully clean using electrical contact cleaner, dont go scrubbing it with cotton wool either unless you are very careful (fibers will end up inside that you might not see)