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Dig a big crater on your half right at the drive entrance that only your 4x4 can negotiate, That will p him off.

i'd love to Illy, really i would! but, then i'd be liable because it stop access grrr. no, at the moment all i do is park as awkwardly as I can, blocking the drive. He doesnt say feck all these days, so we think hes avoiding us, which if true, proves he doesnt want us sticking our noses in, well, tough titty.
take some pictures and trot to citizens advice with a copy of your deeds.. i very much dowt there experts but they are free
its a very similar situation for us. wasnt always a drive but has been for a long time. the problem is the neighbours interpretation of the driveway and its division. He thinks its HIS land, and i intend to correct him on this. We park our caravan at the back, although this is going to change we are going tomove th ecaravan to the front, so i have constant use of the drive for my cars lol, thatll shut him up the cock end.

besides, soon he will be out of our hair, and we can square up the deeds with whoever lives in the house. all i want is legal advice to ensure i know what im talking about, so ill be ringing them either tonight, or tomorrow (free legal advice via insurance-sweet!)

But thats the problem.....if as T3 suggested and you've implied, this shared drive was formed by two previous occupants agreeing to knock down a party wall and lay a common driveway, there was an implied agreement by each party to give the other a ROW over the others bit.....and unless it was enshrined in the deeds as a covenant then ownership is still as per when the brick wall was there, so technically neither of you can park on there and potentially one of you can stop the other even accessing it - and could even reinstate the wall if you wished.

You have to ask your self (i) if that would enhance or degrade your property and your use of it, and (ii) if you really want a dispute like this which may backfire on you if you ever come to sell, even if (in fact especially if) you don't declare it when the searches ask.

IMHO if it was indeed formed as stated above, then neither of you have a leg to stand on. ROW issues don't really apply on private land where only one party is involved AFAIK so you need to negotiate a proper arrangement with him or his successor......and get it written into the deeds.
i think it would be easier if you just shoot him, steal his house, then knock the two into one - sorted :thumb2