Adult Only Content

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Should Adults Only Content be Allowed on this Site

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
it's a shame to loose valued senior members over postings we could all do without, 14 for 15 against, that means ther is obviously a fair few pwople who disagree with 'X' rated content. Lets hope we can keep our members and return to a normal level of content in our postings. As i said the odd cheeky picture is fine but this has now just gone too far. Shall we shelve this now?

Just put it on the top shelf where those too short sighted can't see it, or reach it!!:doh

I agree if you want that sort of thing just use the gooooOGLE TOOL bar! you can get everything you want to see OR so I am informed!

I find it HARD enough to find relevant 4x4 information without having to trawl through piles of irelevant trash to get what i need!

The End III:naughty
Pete you are one of the clubs characters and guys like you will ensure that it goes on for ever.
Keep up the good work mate:thumb2

no mate , i am part of a huge family , we will have differences surely , but friendship keeps us all together ...... the end :thumb2
Have not voted as in two minds . I don't mind the odd pic, I've posted some myself and if harder stuff is posted with a warning I'm smart enough not to click on it when my sons (9 & 11) are in the room as they often are when I'm on the forum.

If I had to vote it would probably be a NO purely because I think if it offends some members then it is not good for the forum.

Well just voted no because my whole family use my computer so they can all access this site at the click of a button.

9 & 11 year old reading a warning would make no difference
just looked through all about porn bum not nice,xmas was loverly,got no real problems with it all hard stuff can stay on other sites,but nice girls or funny stuff no problems.makes a nice change to seeing me get out of the shower in the mornings so the wife says:nenau:nenau what she means is anyones guess:kissy:kissy:kissy
hi guys.
pleased to find the porn debate has come to an end .
only thing that concerned me was what the ladies on the site would think.
If they looked over our shoulder and saw what we were looking at.:doh
would they be so willing to let us come out to play.:thumb2
hi guys.
pleased to find the porn debate has come to an end .
only thing that concerned me was what the ladies on the site would think.
If they looked over our shoulder and saw what we were looking at.:doh
would they be so willing to let us come out to play.:thumb2

been there done that :eek: looks like the no's have it?
Please note .
I've resisted posting as long as possible, hoping this damn thread would wither and die, but no it just gets added to again and again and now me :doh
Good for the "no votes" I mind not, but it's not porn.
Neither should it be an issue for children to see the nude body(not porn).
I notice in the paper shop everyday the same sort of pics way below the top shelves , in the papers.
As for the wife, well mine found it highly amusing but reminded me that silicone does produce considerably more bounce than she thought practical :lol
I think Bat's arse was pretty grim and his tree decorations rather charming :sly
So once again sorry if it offends but it aint porn so there.:p
Please note .
I've resisted posting as long as possible, hoping this damn thread would wither and die, but no it just gets added to again and again and now me :doh
Good for the "no votes" I mind not, but it's not porn.
Neither should it be an issue for children to see the nude body(not porn).
I notice in the paper shop everyday the same sort of pics way below the top shelves , in the papers.
As for the wife, well mine found it highly amusing but reminded me that silicone does produce considerably more bounce than she thought practical :lol
I think Bat's arse was pretty grim and his tree decorations rather charming :sly
So once again sorry if it offends but it aint porn so there.:p

chill pete..... rules is rules and you didnt break any.
further more, the site is as far as i know , under the ownership of bat21.


without acusations or finger pointing, lets face it both moraly and numericaly the 'NO's' have won, so all you who want porn type content just admit defeat and move on, rules or no rules it's pretty clear it's not wanted. bear in mind i enjoyed the ladies flashing and if you ever pm me such a link i will look, i also don't mind the odd 'bint' by an xmas tree but anyhting beyond that is not acceptable.
so whats the point of a poll if it gets disregarded

very good point! i'm sure the yes's would have let us know if they had won :thumb2

I wasn't suggesting the original posting was 'hard core porn', or judging anyone for posting or viewing but rather entering the general debate around allowing images for adults only, to me they belong in the same category as racist threads. Not on here please!

From experience we have seen that if nothing else they cause disagreements that loose the club valuable members and that alone is enough to stop this sort of thing.
so whats the point of a poll if it gets disregarded
very good point.
the thing is because pete put a flash on which showed fanny flashes and yes that was close to the not allowed line, and the anti boob brigade want to ban everything. according to the rules neither are wrong.... i admit adz's one was way over the line . and i personally sorted that.

the fact that loads are apposed to no boobs or bums trouble is loads want them. and yes the ban the boob wins by majority .... but the ones who like the odd boob should not be expected to F OFF.

the minority has spoken too and its unfair to say ban everything.... common ground is needed or a compromise
very good point.
I admit adz's one was way over the line . and i personally sorted that.

the minority has spoken too and its unfair to say ban everything.... common ground is needed or a compromise

I waked it up to make a point :doh

At the end of the day we are all here because of what we drive & what the site is about BUT a bit of harmless fun be it rude of swearing shouldn't be bared :thumbs

Now i really am not posting on this thread any more :eek: :augie :doh :lol :thumbs
please explain why the poll was instigated in the first place?
in a democratic society we live isnt it most votes win?

the poll shows 15% lead(any political party would love that much lead lol) but in this case means nothing.

as i said in my early post i am no prude but beleive this is not the site for such items.

i do smile of "close to the wind remarks" if they are in context.
i dont believe things like swearing should be allowed but thats MY personal belief.

can i suggest to close this thread down that Bat21 makes a descion if to allow such items to be posted or not then it comes clear

if not it will just drag on and on and on and ..................................on