Accident Update

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 20, 2004
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Well guys I know some of you have asked how my wife is recovering after the accident at the beginning of December. Well she is recovering but it is going to be a very slow process. Day after Boxing Day I had to take her back to A&E and it turns out despite being told both feet had been trapped the hospital only examined one foot. The pain had been masking another fracture to her other foot. Anyway she is now able to get around the house with any walking aids. The consultant told her last week she will be another month before she can drive. She has been able to work from home since the new year so that has made her feel better in herself. We have had short trips out only walking short distances and hopefully gradually increasing. She will be a long time before she can resume Flyball and Agility with the dogs and also the dog walks that she loves. One step at a time and we both appreciate that she is still here and things could easily of been so different.
The truck has now been written off as a cat B so will never go on the road again. She served us well that truck right up to the end. We have finally accepted an off that is very reasonable though the insurance company have taken the excess so this has left it a little short of a replacement truck. At least we still had the project truck so once she is driving again we will still both be on the road. She has said that she wants another truck rather than a small car. We are keeping our eyes open and if the right truck comes up then we should be able to scrape together a reasonable amount if needed though prices are at a premium at the moment.
Our insurance company has not heard from the other company since the 8th December when they wrote to mine wanting to claim it as 50 50. Our insurance company has written and phoned them several times without reply. Last week our insurance company wrote again including the photos and also some more evidence we were able to pass on to them. They have also written to the police for their accident report. So we will wait and see what the other company come back with and how long it takes them. I have told our insurance company that we in no way accept any proportion of the blame and it is totally the other drivers fault and if necessary we will take further steps if they try to accept the 50 50 claim.

So all in all it looks like it is going to be a long drawn out recovery and claim.

We are not happy with how the authorities handled the accident at the time and feel they may have been negligent. So this in mind I don't wish to give details other than a complaint will be being lodged for this too.

I have now fitted front and rear facing dash cams in our vehicles now, feel like it is bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted. However lesson learnt and I feel bad that I was waiting until a big bill had been paid before buying a camera for her car.

I can only advise people to fit dash cams if you don't already have one.
Glad to hear she's on the mend.

You think a tread mill would help build up her strength? Few mins a day free times a day
Yes glad to hear wifey is recovering.
If, and hopefully when the third party admits liability, surely you can get the excess back?
One step at a time, take it easy and you'll get there.
I have told our insurance company that we in no way accept any proportion of the blame and it is totally the other drivers fault and if necessary we will take further steps if they try to accept the 50 50 claim.
As far as this is concerned, I'm right behind you and if you need moral support in a drawn out case, I'm there.
Fight 'em!
Cheers guys. Yes all being well we will get the excess back and other costs even down to the extra money on the phone bill and changing reg number over ect but that's a little further down the line.
Not sure about the treadmill Zippy, she has some exercises to do from physio but she also has to be careful as the bone can break again very easily, even pressure on the pedals of the car could break the bones again.

As a benefit that I wasn't expecting is that that without realising it I am becoming fitter doing lots of dog walking. I walked up a hill out of town yesterday and I noticed that I wasn't breathless and then walked up our street and had a conversation with the wife without having to catch my breath first. Not to mention having to make holes in my belt to tighten it up. :clap:clap:clap
It's scary just what an effect someone else's stupidity can have on your life...

My wife had the same issue when she smashed her ankle, they spent all their time looking at the bad one, and assumed the other was just a sprain, then when after 4 weeks of being stuck in bed, they decided to get her up, then they discovered the other ankle was also broken.

Hope it all heals up sooner...
The main thing is that your wife is making a good recovery :thumb2
As disheartening as everything else seems keep your chin up,stick to your guns and don't let it fustrate you or get you down.
The forum family is here for you mate:thumb2
Jim, glad your wife is making a reasonable recovery, but I have to say I despair at modern day incompetence, in both the health service and the so called Policing that we have available, and as for insurance companies, they are very good at taking your money but are almost to the point of criminal neglect when you try and make a legitimate claim, you should be making a claim against the other parties insurers for your wife's pain and suffering and inconvenience costs, do you have "legal cover" on your insurance if so use it, if not make a private claim, Rick
Hi guys, yeah it's helped from day one having you guys around:thumbs

Even had an offer from a local member to look at replacement trucks with me, was looking at an advert for a truck this week and he was bouncing bouncing ideas around with me via text which is a great help.:clap

Rick as for the legal cover, yeah that's all in hand for her thanks. Apparently an insurance company has 3 months to reply to a letter or communication from another insurance company.

At the moment the real downside is I don't have as much time to give the youth organisation but that will come back. Managed most of the day out with them today. Transported the young people from York to a local Air Museum where they got to go inside the cockpit of a Victor aircraft. Lnew they had enjoyed their weekend away as 3 out of the 4 that I had in my car fell asleep on the way home. Pity that the one who stayed awake was my daughter:doh
Taking a party of them away for a weekend in the Dales in February but between now and then I'll not be giving them much time.

But heyho life goes on and this glitch is just temporary and there is always someone worse off.

Oh just remembered another downside, I hate doing the supermarket shop.
I marvel at you Jim! here you are in a situation of distress due to an as-hole driver and you are still devoting your time to the youth organisation, my hat goes off to you, Rick
The distress has all gone Rick, things will sort themselves out in time. I've still got my soulmate and my family around me amd I include the dogs in there too. I've got all I really need with those. The time I give is nothing and my wife was more than happy for me to take a little time out today. The reward for that is seeing the young people having a great time and achieving. It was presentations night Friday when the parents are invited and the youngsters get there certificates for their achievements. That's great to see. There is a handful of trophies for special awards for different things. To see the looks on the faces of the people that didn't expect their award was my reward. The February trip has been planned for months and they need my quals to run the activity so couldn't let them down. We will be staying in a scout hostel, taking them out for a short walk to practice navigation around Richmond area along with one or two other activities so looking forward to it. I know my wife will be a little further down the road to recovery and we have our off spring and other family if really needed so my family will be fine I'm sure.

So I'm nothing special really but thanks for your kind words Rick.
Good news guys our insurance company has written to us to tell us that the other drivers insurance company has now admitted full liability for the accident.