A new Magazine called "Total Nissan."

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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We are here!

Hi Guys

Sorry to have taken so long to get in touch.

We have been very busy preparing the content for the launch issue and, as you may all know by now, we took the decision to put the magazine back from December to 30th January.

This was done to ensure we provide the readers with the best possible features and content.

We are sorry if any subscribers have felt “in the dark” however we will endeavor to post here regularly. If you have any concerns please feel free to email at nissan@pathfoot.co.uk.

If anyone wants to have their car featured, there is still time….. contact Stuart on 01506 466402 or email stuart@totalnissan.co.uk

We have replied to all club emails but we did experience a server crash over the xmas period – so if any club organizers haven’t had a reply to emails, perhaps you could resend as this would explain why we haven’t gotten back to you.

If there is anything you need to know, anything at all you arent sure of please please give Stuart a call on the number above – we are happy to help and want to assure you all of our comittment to providing our subscribers with a GREAT magazine.

With kindest regards

Total Nissan

mav said:
Secondly, with regards your club can you supply a quarter page ad and about 600-800 words on the history of your club, membership details and a brief description of your upcoming events.

This sounds like they're offering a free 1/4 page advert in the launch issue - I don't mean to poke my nose in but have we been bale to supply anything to them?
Hello XR6R,

No we did not,

But i did let Stuart know that i was a lorry driver and that it was our busiest time of year within the food industry at Christmas, and a long with running the club which is also full time nearly it just did not match up with his new Magazine being on the shelf in January,
Sorry i know i should try harder sometimes but i did just not have time to write a 1000 words essay about the club and chase a member to put a 1/4 page write up on there motor.

Trouble is also that this is not a job i can pass on to anyone.

Hi Mav,

There's no one here that doesn't appreciate the amount of time and effort that you put into running this club and web site and I didn't mean my post to sound critical - just wondered if I should get my hands on a copy of the mag to take a look.


mav said:
Hello XR6R,

No we did not,

But i did let Stuart know that i was a lorry driver and that it was our busiest time of year within the food industry at Christmas, and a long with running the club which is also full time nearly it just did not match up with his new Magazine being on the shelf in January,
Sorry i know i should try harder sometimes but i did just not have time to write a 1000 words essay about the club and chase a member to put a 1/4 page write up on there motor.

Trouble is also that this is not a job i can pass on to anyone.



If you can send me your hi res logo Ill make up an advert for you. No probs.

If you have an events calender on here I can take them for our events diary?



Total Nissan
1/4 page advert.

I have today forwarded a 1/4 page advert for the magazine that was put together for us by one of our members.

Thank you for the time and trouble putting it together for us XR6R.

Very much appreciated.

got the magazine throught the post yesterday... not as good as i expected. its mainly aimed towards boy racers, not much 4x4 info included in it.
rag1873 said:
got the magazine throught the post yesterday... not as good as i expected. its mainly aimed towards boy racers, not much 4x4 info included in it.

I guess we will have to do something about that :wink: :lol:
rag1873 said:
got the magazine throught the post yesterday... not as good as i expected. its mainly aimed towards boy racers, not much 4x4 info included in it.

Hello again Rag 1873.
Really we should be able to change this as we do have 700 members with some members owning more than one Nissan / Ford 4x4 vehicle,
Should we not be able to get a page for each issue from the 4x4 scene?,

I do know one member has said they will do a write up for us and put a few photos together which I am really grateful for and look forward to reading.
We do have lots of photos in the gallery and should really be able to put a vehicle in the magazine each time its released every 3 months.

rag1873 said:
got the magazine throught the post yesterday... not as good as i expected. its mainly aimed towards boy racers, not much 4x4 info included in it.

Hi All, we included articles in conjunction with clubs that had time to get info to us.

Perhaps your club can arrange 1 contact for us to liaise with - we would love to ensure the 4x4's are covered in issue 2.

Stuart can be contacted on 01506 466402 to discuss features.



And now a note on subscriber copies.................

HI all,

We have heard that some subscribers to Total Nissan have not yet received their launch issue copy.

We understand how annoying this can be so we have given some information below.

If you subscribed before 31st January and still haven't received your copy....
Please call Stuart Bell on 01506 466402 on Monday (office is open 9am to 5pm) and he will sort this out with you very quickly.

If you subscribed after 1st February, please allow until Thursday 14th before calling us (this is in line with Royal Mails estimated delivery times).

Please note that we visit the forums occasionaly but any questions are best directed to us via phone or email (if you want to guarantee that we will see it).

Any enquiries / suggestions etc:
nissan@pathfoot.co.uk or call 01506 466402.

Total Nissan.

I have had Rob from Total Nissan on the phone this morning looking for a feature car for Total Nissan magazine.

To qualify the car must be a little out of the ordinary.
A new vehicle, to standard specification, fresh from the showroom would therefore be unsuitable.

The feature car will cover approx 3-4 pages for the next issue.

What he needs is a suitable car in the West Midlands area and would i be able to source a member of the club, who would be able to assist?

He would need to photograph the car this week, including Saturday, if possible.

I did suggest Nellie but even i am to far away for this weekend.

Hi Mav :smile: Hopefully one of our members in that area will come forward & get their motor in print :p TBH they are leaving it a bit late to get a good feature done :roll: I know other car mags do the photo shoot a month or 2 ahead of the of the day it's to go to print
Hello Sweety, I did mention this in an e-mail to Rob, 4 days is not long enough to tidy those little bits and get them jobs done in time, we are talking of roaders.

If it was me i would want to get them little jobs done that just finish it off for the photos.

Maybe just me, but i would not want people saying "you would have thought he would have give that a coat if paint", if he knew it was going to be in a mag" type of comment.

Maybe next time.

Don’t mind getting it mucky but wants to look good clean too!

Regards, Mav.
Hi mav,as you know, i emailed and phoned but got no response to my emails and was told that it was to soon,that he would get back to me...still waiting :?
If they want some one from the Midlands then that's me out!!
And me motor isn't that modified... :cry:
They are a bit boy racer'ish if you ask me!! just my opinion :eek:
Hello Cosmic,
Was your contact Stuart?.

I did not know you had been trying to get in touch with him!.
Do you want me to chase this for you.

Hello again, We are now looking for club car No 5.


To be featured within the pages of Total Car Magazines, the Editor requests that concise details of ‘Club Cars’ be provided. Please note the attachments required at the end of this small questionnaire, which is designed to help you to compile the details. We require a maximum of 500 words (around 1.5 PC screen pages of text - Arial font, 12-point, black, 1.5-line-spaced) to outline the car, its owner, its affiliation and the whys and wherefores.
CAR (model & type):
Q1: How long has the car been owned by you?
Q2: How was the car sourced (new, used, grey-imported)?
Q3: What modifications have been made to it?
Q4: What makes your car so ‘special’ to you?
Q5: What does the club membership mean to you?
Q6: What changes are you going to make to your car?
Q7: What are you seeking from your car?
Q8: When, if at all, will you replace your car?
Q9: What additional aspects have had any impact on you?
1. 4 to 6 High-Resolution images, taken at different angles, inc.
under-bonnet and interior.
2. A full specification list (Engine; Transmission & Clutch;
Bodywork; Interior; Suspension; Brakes) by brand name.


Does it have to be a club member to forward their vehicle & spec list etc ?

Would I be able to forward a non club members details to the TN mag ?
Would have been nice to have a club member, But suppose it don’t matter.

Nice one, Photobucket emotions great idea well done. -welldone-

Its non stop now we have opened the site up to uploading anything. :lol:
