98 SWB Maverick Roof Rail Question

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Mar 11, 2017
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I have a new to me 1998 SWB Maverick and fancy some black roof rails.
Did this SWB Maverick ever come with factory roof rails?
I have only seen them on 5 door models.

If so what is the distance between hole centres.
Are they hard to get?


Yes they did or at least the Terranos that I've seen. Bigbunny has rails on his but if I remember right they were from a Kia. Think with them being rare they also demand a premium price. Check ebay and see what's around. You may have to get some 5 dr and modify them. I know the 5dr rails need some spacers that not every breaker remove and send with the rails. Cncfabs sent a set for me a couple of years ago which included the spacers seals and bolts. The bolts are held to the roof with rivnuts.
I have a new to me 1998 SWB Maverick and fancy some black roof rails.
Did this SWB Maverick ever come with factory roof rails?
I have only seen them on 5 door models.

If so what is the distance between hole centres.
Are they hard to get?



Got a decent set here mate that came off my SWB if you want them but to be honest, you're missing a trick, what you want to do is get a set of LWB and chop them like I did with my Maverick and have done with my Terrano too.

This means you can get them right over the windscreen so if you plan on fitting any spots in the future, they will be as far forward as they can be, you also utilise more of the roof meaning you can carry a larger load :thumbs

IIRC, the OEM Terrano rails are made my Thule for Nissan and are rated to 55kg each, then you'll just need a set of bars which if you keep your eyes open, every now and again there are some original Ford ones that came with the Maverick as an optional extra and do rear their head on eBay every now and again.

I was dead lucky and own 2 sets now, 1 set on Grandads truck and one on mine

Here's my truck with LWB Terrano Rails chopped down, I thought this picture was relevant given it's the Veg that has knackered my Injector Pump

This is Grandads Truck with original SWB Bars, note how they don't quite make the front of the truck, you can just about see the Ford logo on the roof bars there too and also lockable :thumb2
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Maverick Roof Bars

Hi all
Thanks for the info and links.
I note the idea of cutting down LWB which I never thought about.
Will think the options through.
I fitted LWB rails on my SWB commercial after reading a few threads on here. I didn't cut them down though they seemed to be a perfect fit as they were. I think they look a lot better than the SWB ones and they give you a lot more space to use.