4x4 problem ???

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2006
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hiya folks, yet another porblem with the T2. Every month seems to be a problem lol. Since I got my lift there has been constant problems. The main problem, last night driving home I met alot of snow so I stopped and selected 4 wheel drive. Driving along at 30 mph I felt the steering weird as though the 2 front wheels were trying to turn in towards each other and every revloution of the drivers wheel felt as though it was not round but like an egg shape.The front drive shafts are at a steep angle and was wondering could that maybe be causing the problem. The 4wd selects ok and comes out ok, but every now and again the drivers side would make a whirring noise and I would have to stop and reverse a bit and then it would go in again. Could it be a problem with the hub. Any help would be great, as I am getting fed up with the problems and thinking of changing
could be drive shafts as the increased angle could cause some vibration.
was there enough snow on the ground to let the wheels slip a little.
last time we had some snow i put it in 4h but there wasn't enough on the ground to let the front wheels slip and i was just fighting with the steering.
check your stearing cross bar. mine had really crap stearing and 4wd problems to front wheels... i didnt have problems prior to lifting

i recon i bent something or put spmething under too much strain and broke it...
when i jacked it up so high to get springs in

just a thought

ps... if it is this

you need to buy from milner 4x4 bout 60 quid + some other bits see my post stearing gone stupid other quotes for the part started at 240.00
Sounds like 2 problems.

As extreme says, steering is probablt the drag link (and possibly the track ro ends) the increased angle of the trackrods show up any wear in the drag link far moor than on a standard motor. If you look at the angle things push at you'll see why.

Klicking noise sounds like auto hubs, try rebuilding and regreasing them, check condition of rings whilst your at it - our you could try Ian D's try of pouring an egg cupful of engine oil in em, see if that cures em - personally I'd regrease em properly once I'd got em off.
I tried it again on the way home tonight and same thing, its ok in 2wd everything works ok, its just whenever I select 4wd H or 4wd L. It almost limps along, so I am thinking it must be the drive shafts, talked to a mechanic and he is going to take a look tomorrow night, fingers crossed its somethings simple. Hi extreme every few months I have to change the tie rods plus steering cross bar due to the strain, but the cross bar seems ok I checked it just the other day. Why did I have to go to supercrooks to get my lift done.
so its like this only when there is drive to the front wheels . so its got to be stearing or drive shaft...

trouble is knackered drive shaft tends to shake the stearing vigorously.right up to the stearing wheel. you will still go in a straight line

knackered cross rod will feel like an egg shaped wheel. and it will wander badly when you have drive to the front and disappear when you dont have drive to the front. so im guessing you need stearing parts. jack it up and just check for difference between movement between the front wheels left to right mine had a good inch.... and nothing before lift so im sure i broke it
Hiya everybody, just back from the mechanic, had the T2 up on the lift and tried putting in to 4wd and the front drivers side just gave a crunch and didn't work right. He reckons its the hub away. He says its down to the 3 inch lift kit putting to much strain on the drive line due to the angle. I am seriously thinking of going back to the 2inch lift kit and that might save the angles, any ideas on how I might be able to change the drive angles or is it complicated. Any ideas where I might be able to pick up a 2 inch lift kit.
perhaps dropping the subframe, ie giving it a lift / spacer would straighten out
angles. no idea how much work involved but TRS discussed it with me on here
few months back.
perhaps dropping the subframe, ie giving it a lift / spacer would straighten out
angles. no idea how much work involved but TRS discussed it with me on here
few months back.

Won't work as the steering box and idler are have nowhere to go and aren't attached to the cross member. They're on the body and the chassis rail is below them. Thinkings right though that is what is needed really.
Hiya everybody, just back from the mechanic, had the T2 up on the lift and tried putting in to 4wd and the front drivers side just gave a crunch and didn't work right. He reckons its the hub away. He says its down to the 3 inch lift kit putting to much strain on the drive line due to the angle. I am seriously thinking of going back to the 2inch lift kit and that might save the angles, any ideas on how I might be able to change the drive angles or is it complicated. Any ideas where I might be able to pick up a 2 inch lift kit.

There are some off centre bushes available in the US that lowers the diff a bit that will reduce the angle of the driveshafts.
Hiya everybody, just back from the mechanic, had the T2 up on the lift and tried putting in to 4wd and the front drivers side just gave a crunch and didn't work right. He reckons its the hub away. He says its down to the 3 inch lift kit putting to much strain on the drive line due to the angle. I am seriously thinking of going back to the 2inch lift kit and that might save the angles, any ideas on how I might be able to change the drive angles or is it complicated. Any ideas where I might be able to pick up a 2 inch lift kit.

Alternatively put it back to standard, Get a big thick pillow for your'e seat to retain the veiw , Stick all the lights on the moon visor on, And have a big deep breath of fresh Irish air and (chill out).

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