4 wheel drive trouble

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simple, fuel economy fall if left in 4wd.

as your dragging the dif drive shafts around all the time. best to disengage for most of the time..
simple, fuel economy fall if left in 4wd.

as your dragging the dif drive shafts around all the time. best to disengage for most of the time..

oh i see, so with the manual hubs "engaged" the props etc will still spin even though the 4wd isnt engaged? sorry, still learning all this stuff, dont mean to hijack this thread, just curious.!!
oh i see, so with the manual hubs "engaged" the props etc will still spin even though the 4wd isnt engaged? sorry, still learning all this stuff, dont mean to hijack this thread, just curious.!!

Yep you got it:thumbs

How often do I use 4wd? so when I know I may need it I just lock em before I set off. Simples:thumb2

Jim T
One of the biggest problems with 4wd is the simple fact that it doesn't get used. Then all of a sudden it's called upon and it fails. I have to say that every month or so I lock my hubs and drive around for a few miles whilst still in 2wd so that all the front transmission is kept moving. Even when I had auto lockers I tried to keep using 4wd when I had the chance to. Yours has been stood for a while so may be it is not a bad idea to strip and regrease your hubs like the workshop in the downloads section.

Jim T
hi guys sorry to jump in but with all the crappy weather i seem to be having a problem. Im not sure my 4wd is working as there was no traction form the front in the icy conditions on xmas day! i have jacked a wheel up shoved it in gear and 4wd and i can still spin the wheel freely. Am i right in thinking the hubs should have locked and i shouldn't be able to do this? All help as always much appreciated cheers and merry christmas
Front hubs will only lock when the front drive shafts have power going to them from transfer box. From the hundreds of posts on here over the years I would guess your brake rings will be shot, lots of threads inc this with all the info you'll need.

Jim T
so to test them locking properly would i have to jack up both wheels and engage 4wd and turn the drive shafts not just spin the wheels?
As far as I'm aware you jack up the front end and secure so it can't FALL ON ANYONE!!!!
Leave in 2wd and turn by hand the front drive shafts and see if it will turn the front wheels.

Jim T
ok will give it a whirl, i guess by the same token if i put it in 4wd and drive round the block then jack it up in gear i shouldnt be able to spin the wheel. Im off to give it a whirl :thumbs
ok will give it a whirl, i guess by the same token if i put it in 4wd and drive round the block then jack it up in gear i shouldnt be able to spin the wheel. Im off to give it a whirl :thumbs

Just remember your not supposed to use 4wd on a hard surface with these trucks. Stick with it mate, when you get the 4wd system sorted it's great and reliable. You'll notice in this and other threads that me and one or two other people have fitted manual locking hubs instead of the autos as we got sick of fixing the autos. Don't get me wrong when autos are working they are by far the better option but economics made it better to fit manuals for me. You'll see lots of argruments for both types and I really can't be bothered when someone posts supporting the autos. All I'll say is manuals have not caused me any problems what so ever and have been the perfect solution for me.

Jim T
to be fair i have no problem with manuals or autos i can see the benefits of both, as long as whats on works when i want it im happy :) just been round the block left it in 4wd jacked it up in gear and i can spin the wheels without the drive shafts moving at all so i guess the hubs are tattered, its sunny now so im off to whip one off and have a shuffty inside see whats going on :thumbs
Have a look at this link, it's a manual for the Terrano. If you navigate to the correct page it shows an exploded view of the hubs, it's usually Brake A and B that get damaged and as far as I'm aware are about £50 per side. Also check out the Downloads section in Quick Links on this web site as there are several Workshops you may find handy.


Jim T
ok just stripped 1st hub and inside looks different to the one in the guide i seem to have an extra ring which i can only describe as like a jam jar lid with no centre but two opposing lugs! this is slightly bent and i have no idea what it does? any ideas?
ah its brake A and its bent so thats why it probably not working!!!!
ok just stripped 1st hub and inside looks different to the one in the guide i seem to have an extra ring which i can only describe as like a jam jar lid with no centre but two opposing lugs! this is slightly bent and i have no idea what it does? any ideas?

That's one of the brake rings, you may also find that the lugs are cracked or even part of it broken off and mixed in with the grease.

Jim T
can i buy just the brake ring? Also when i took it apart the spring was under the barake but the exploded view shows it on top?
the break rings come in two parts, sort of like a miniature clutch assembly, you can just buy them, i did once replace other parts, springs etc at the same time but it didnt help.

Check the main hub body, where the rings sit and engeage, see if there are any chips out of the edges etc, as if there are, new rings may not help! and if you buy a set for each side, you are half way to a set of manual hubs!