4 wheel drive prob

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the hubs, work on both hi and low.

they hold the wheels and the drive shafts together.

trouble with manuals if yo uhave to get OUT the car to put them on, auto are like well auto on when you change to 4wd, either hi or low.
as zippy said you get out switch them and then everyhting is the same, if you dont switch them you just get 2wd regardless of what the lever says
Makes sense but if weather bad the last thing you want is to be getting out to engage but if they work better i suppose would be worth it. mind you if auto hubs were really expensive then manual hubs would certainly grow on me.
well if thats the case and i have to replace them manuals sounds like the kiddies for me.
id go that way if needed. just need to jump out to engage.
when the gear lever is in 2wd just means the front axle ect it turning. but i think the later ones were all fixed hubs

Flippin heck Zipps your risking it!!! you'll team taffy down on ya:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

BTW I have manuals on mine and don't worry at all. I normally have an idea that I'll need 4wd so engage the hubs before I set off, all it does is turn the front transmission from the wheels turning.

I'm sure we've been here before:lol

Jim T
I used to use 4 wheel drive low to manoeuvre my caravan, but have found that it was impossible to steer and like yours would only drive in a straight line, cant even turn around in a large field without the transmission winding up. All my oils have been replaced . bri
Steve as Jims terrano said, if you are trying to make tight manoeuvres on dry (or even moderately wet for that matter) tarmac, what you have experienced is absolutely normal and not indicative of a fault. The hubs don't 'wear out' as such, the snap rings usually break (not that often actually) - easily and cheaply fixed, so its either working or busted with nowt in between LOL

And @ Zippy there are no T2s with fixed hubs, they've only ever been free-wheeling. :thumbs
Well all I can say is
since fitting my manual hubs at no great expence:clap
I have 4 wheel drive:thumbs
I turn the hubs to 4 wheel drive when I am on the fields
and then drive as normal untill I need to engage the 4 wheel drive
I then use the gears to as you would for any auto simple:thumbs
I also drive on the roads between fields in normal gear but with the hubs fixed to 4 wheel drive so need to keep getting in and out:thumbs with no problems
All thanks to this site:thumbs
Hi All

After speaking to Plank, I changed my hubs to manual(£150 off e-bay)I changed them because I do alot of rough shooting, and it was only when I got stuck that I knew that the auto hubs were not working. After fitted the manuals, no more problems, rather then change the rings, I decided to go manual. I don't find it a bother getting in and out of my maverick to engage or disengage 4 wheel drive. Thanks Plank, it was money well spent.:thumbs
Hi All

After speaking to Plank, I changed my hubs to manual(£150 off e-bay)I changed them because I do alot of rough shooting, and it was only when I got stuck that I knew that the auto hubs were not working. After fitted the manuals, no more problems, rather then change the rings, I decided to go manual. I don't find it a bother getting in and out of my maverick to engage or disengage 4 wheel drive. Thanks Plank, it was money well spent.:thumbs

Glad to help! in my opinion it is worth the money for the piece of mind, there is (well for me anyway) allways that bit of doubt when the hubd have let you down a couple of times, i have never heard anyone complain about manual hubs, apart from having to get out of course!