2009 National Event info and booking link

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Hi would be good to meet up

I Am sending the payment of Friday 5th Of June All not paid please get it Sorted ASAP:thumb2

Thanks Davemud
:clap:clap:clap Hi U guys Getting Close now Any one ells Fancy Coming along :clap:clap:clap
We have Booked and Paid for the 6 confirmed members so far.
The site is hoping to have the Bar and restaurant open for us.

Regards Davemud
Any one fancy a ride down to the jap n jeep show on the same weekend
its approximately 60miles 1,5hrs away may be even a convoy :clap:clap:clap
Saturday or Sunday

Entry £5.00 per adult kids under 16 free

Any one planing to still go to the air show http://www.waddingtonairshow.co.uk/
Entry £40.00 family ticket in advance or £21.00 adult and £10.00 childed on the day

shall we have a group BBQ later on Saturday afternoon ideas please :)
me and my family will be going to the air show if you want tickets get them from Selected branches of Alliance and Leicester, Morrisons Supermarkets plc and HSBC bank will be selling admission tickets from the end of May look on web site for more info http://www.waddingtonairshow.co.uk/
hey all,

sorry still cant make weekend to camp due to little ones b'day party sunday but looks
like might be able to make saturday for day however you seem to be going to different
events. would love to do waddington but no dogs allowed so wondering about jeepjapjam
wonder how many going or planning to stay on rally for social...just so can work out best
bet for seeing old and meeting new faces??
can someone start a thread on who is going to the national.

id like to know who's going where

it might help the undecided decide where to go

Hi Ya Guys and Girls Nissan Owners Club Members

Tubbs ........2 Nights........ PAID
Davemud.....2 Nights........ PAID
Jocky ..........3 Nights......... PAID
Dinky...........3 Nights......... PAID
frazzell.........3 Nights......... PAID

Terranoman..2 Nights......... PAID
Would All Members Booking PLEASE CONFIRM[/size]
by posting I will Add members Names to the list

Thank you davemud
What is the format of this event please? I've probably asked before but thought I wasnt going so didnt pay much attention:augie
Will there be any laning, offroading activities etc?
dont think so pete. we did ask before. i thought we could just turn up with a couple of slabs a tent and something to spitroast:naughty:nenau
Hi extreme and makeitfit

We did try to get a better for responce for the rally but really it was not going to happen given the state of the economy this year.
No laning or of roading was sorted due to lack of interest only 6 members in total :(

There are 2 things so far going on over the weekend Air Show and Japnjeep as well as members just staying at the campsite.....

You can just turn Day visiting the site. To secure a pitch you have to book for staying over night, but you never no ?

thanks davemud
i realy dont get you lot all year this has been up then we decide to something on the saturday then you all post up that you coming down :nenau:nenau:nenau:nenau
hey ive still got no money.... others still struggling. we just thought we would come and show support and make the numbers up,

it will cost me 2 weeks full family income to show my face for a few hours. i know i can spend it more wisely ...:nenau:nenau:nenau
I think there is allot of us in the same position as you with regards to funds at this time. :(
I personally have not been to any other 4x4 event for the past 2 months :(
This is Because i gave the commitment to the national rally months ago.
And i know this goes for other members attending this year as well.

I for one would love to see more support for the event and this year will be the worst turn out Ever
but the lack of enthusiasm from members and the lack of money and commitment this is were we are.

Hope to see as many there that can come along With out the members it ant a members Rally

National rally

Hi all,
It seems that some people will be going to the jap & jeep rally on Saturday, others some where else, so there wont be a lot at the national rally.
I had booked a hotel near the rally but it seems a bit pointless as most will be visiting the jap & jeep rally over the weekend, so i will try & cancel hotel & book one near the Jap & jeep rally.
Hope to see you all at some point over the weekend.

Nellie 11.
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