2008 Rally Weekend of 25th 26th 27th July

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dinky said:
Hopefully m1 traffic permitting hope to be there about 1pm on friday
Hey up dinky. Think for us it would be better going A1 to A43 Stamford down to Kettering mate. I pick steel up from Corby on a regular basis from both north and south directions and thats the way we go. Its a very good route. :smile:
HI all, car polised caravan loaded. see you all tommorow, hopefuly the weather will hold 8) :lol:
Well just got back,had a good time nice to put names to faces.Weather was brilliant hot and dry.Good raffle sat night(sorry lisa).Seee you all soon.
yes i just got back as well another year under the belt nice to meet the new ones and nice to see the old ones as well nice bbq thanks mick :lol:

sorry i did not get to say bye to cosmic and mav ill see mav but nice to have met you and your family cosmic see you at the next one
national rally

Hi all,

Just like to say what a great time we had,
great to see the old faces, and meet new ones.

my partner paula said what a friendly bunch we all are, and how well we all get on,

coming from somebody thats never been to this type of event i think its a credit to us all.

A big thanks to mav & julie for being great hosts as usual.

wel if that was back to basics, carry on, the BBQ was fantastic.

Some people say it will become internet based, i say there will always be the few that like to meet up & have some fun in the open air.

Cheers every body, going on hols for 2weeks monday.

All the best Nellie11.
Great wkend

We had a great time. Well done to all of us that turned up for making a great and interesting wkend proving that this club has more to offer than just help and information on our vehicles over the net.
Im so glad I met you all and heres to the next time.
I may not have a Rally belt as big as Tubbs but Im sure I enjoyed this one just as much as he did. :lol:
Thanks mav and well done. Keep it up mate. -groovy- -cheers-
Have a great holiday with Paula Nellie. You lucky lucky bleeder. :p :lol:
Soz about the Driving light bidding Steve and Lisa. It woz dinkiz fault tho. :lol: Still dont know where your gunna put them tho ? Plenty of room on my motor if you want rid ? :lol:
Bet I know what dinkiy is playing with tonight ??? I'd love to have seen Jaynes face when he walked in with two porcelain dolls. :lol:
All the best to you all
Tony Lynda & Michael.
2008 rally weekend

HI I would just like to add my thanks for the welcome I recieved .
..................WELL I DID TURN UP IN ME DISCO................................
We could nt make it till Saturday afternoon and stayed for a great night.
arriving home around midnight. about 150 miles round trip.
Strong bidding all night .
best regards.iandouglas sheila

Being the first rally i've been to with the club all i can say is brill 100%etc will be coming again next time or to other meets keep up the good work mick see you soon shunt 555
Just got back from my first rally. Me and my family had a great weekend. Being my first time at any event organised by the club I didint know what to expect. everyone made you welcome and there was agreat atmospher, Thanks to Mav Julie and everyone else for organising such a wonderful weekend. I will certenly go again, And to all of you who did not go YOU MISSED OUT ! :smile: :smile: :smile:
That's us back from a brilliant weekend(7hr drive!!) :roll:
Thanks to Mav and Julie for all the hard work and thanks to everyone who attended,the welcome was great,the BBQ was great and the company was great.
Infact it was so great you can put my name down for next years Mav!! :wink:
Oh and my wee cough is good Mav!! :wink: :wink:
Auction was great,especially since i won the lights i wanted,i'm sure they'll fit somewhere Dadba :lol: :lol:
I'll put a link up for some pictures when i upload them!!
Have a great holiday Mav and Gaygo oops Jocky!! :lol: :lol:
Well, I have just sat here a wrote a thank you in this rally thread to every single member personally which has took me ages to then press the back button twice and lose it all. (That will teach me to save more often)

So for now can I just say a massive thank you to every single one of you that helped make this a very successful rally.

I know the attendance was down but this really did not take the shine of our weekend and club rally, It was fantastic, I think i can speak for us all and that we all had a great time and as someone said earlier, If you were not there then you are the ones that missed out. (I do realise some could not make it.)

Thanks again,

Mav, Julie and little miss Leah.
National rally

Hi Mav.
As you said all thoes that diddent turn up missed out on a great weekend.
Nice to see new members making an effort.
:lol: :lol:
Thanks again for a great weeked.
You and all the commitie do a grand job.
Dave Jean & the :evil: :evil: :evil: DEVIL :evil: :evil: :evil:
Hi Cosmic
Nice to meet you and all your family.
Hope to see you all again.
Got home about 18:30
all the best
dave Jean & DEVIL
Great time was had by all,hope you can make next years!! :wink: :lol: